Information and Advice for the Lancaster District’s Third Sector – 9 June 2023

We are working with the local voluntary and community sector and Lancashire and District-wide partners to support VCFSE organisations and people living in our communities. We encourage you to share this page with others.

An archive of previous editions can be found here.

Click headings below to expand each section.

The 2023 Lancaster District Volunteer Achievement Awards – Thank you to Everyone!
The 2023 Lancaster District Volunteer Achievement Awards went with a bang! Almost 150 people came together at The Midland Hotel in Morecambe on a glorious summer evening to celebrate the district’s brilliant volunteers and the amazing work that they do in our communities. We had six big award winners – Lorraine, Suhir, Geoff, Jenny, Ellie, and Hannah – and lots more receiving certificates to say thank you for all that they do. 

The CVS team would like to say a massive thank you to Niran and Shannon from More Music who both did a stupendous job hosting the event, and their mentors Rachel and Ashley. We’d like to thank the Right Worshipful Mayor of Lancaster, Councillor Roger Dennison, for his warm opening of the ceremony and for presenting certificates and various awards through the night. We also want to thank Guy Penn for sponsoring the Volunteer of the Year Award; Banks Lyon Memorial Trust for sponsoring the Fundraiser of the Year award; and Lancaster and Morecambe College for sponsoring the Young Volunteer of the Year award. Thank you to Clarke from Guy Penn, Rebecca from Banks Lyon Memorial Trust, and Wes from Lancaster and Morecambe College, for presenting those sponsored awards to their worthy recipients Hannah, Ellie, and Lorraine.

Thank you to the Midland Hotel for hosting us, to all the staff last night for looking after us and bringing out such amazing food, and particularly to the events manager there, Kat Jasniewska, for all of the support that she gave to us through the planning stages.

Thank you to County Councillors Erica Lewis, Charlie Edwards, Gina Dowding, Margaret Pattinson, Lizzi Collinge, and Phillippa Williamson for giving us some funding for the event from their Local Member Grants budgets.

Thank you to everyone who made a nomination for putting your volunteers forward for awards or certificates, and thank you to everyone who came to the event, all the volunteers whose work makes such a difference, because ultimately there would be no awards without you.

Click through to our awards page for more information on our winners, sponsors and a few pictures from the day

3R Funding Local Charities
3R is a new local charity shop based in Carnforth that aims to put the proceeds raised by the shop straight back into the local community. The charity have a simple application form to allow small charities, clubs and groups to apply for £250, £500 or £1000 grants for any projects that benefit the community. It might be a new kit for a sports team, repairs to a clubhouse or other similar costs. The application form is short but please note that the grants are given for specific items – not for general running costs.

Find out more on their website

International Tree Foundation Accepting Applications for Tree Planting Projects Across UK
Community groups across the UK can apply for funding to support projects to preserve and enhance indigenous trees and woodlands and engage communities in tree planting and reforestation. International Tree Foundation has reopened the UK Tree Planting Grant Programme for the 2023 planting season and is offering grants for community-based organisations to conserve, restore and protect indigenous trees and woodlands, forests, habitats, and associated biodiversity, support community engagement in tree planting, and to increase awareness of the importance of trees and forests to environmental and human well-being. Grants of up to £1,000 are available for projects of up to one year, as well as grants for large-scale projects ranging from 1000 to 10,000 trees with a maximum price equivalent to £1.50 per tree (inclusive of tree protection).

The deadline for applications is 15 December 2023.

Find out more and apply

Poundland Foundation Reopens to Applications
Groups can now apply for the next round of Poundland Foundation’s Kits for Kids programme, which will see local children’s teams and clubs provided with new sports kit. The funding is available for local charities, community interest companies and unregistered community organisations across the UK, providing they have an annual income of less than £10,000 and reserves of less than £5,000. Organisations can apply for grants of up to £750. These must be spent on kit (clothing) for under 18s sports clubs. Applicants must have a child safeguarding policy in place and have received no previous grants from Poundland Foundation. Successful organisations must agree to display the Poundland Foundation logo on their kit.

The deadline to apply is 5pm on 13 June 2023.

Learn more about this funding option

Youth Investment Fund Refurbishment Grants Now Open
Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and Social Investment Business are now accepting applications to the Youth Investment Fund Refurbishment Grants programme, offering funding for capital projects that do not require planning permission. The funding is intended to support smaller organisations to renovate their youth facilities, with a focus on allowing groups to either extend their reach or preserve existing services. The building must be in an area identified as high priority based on a combination of youth need and low provision. Some areas in the Lancaster District are eligible. An eligibility checker can be found on the Social Investment Business website. Grants of £10,000 to £150,000 are available. They can cover a mix of capital, revenue and contingency costs.

The deadline to apply is 9 June 2023.

Find out more and apply

Crowdfund Lancashire
Spacehive are working together with Lancashire County Council to support people who have ideas for community projects in the areas of sport or culture by helping to crowdfund financial support and make those ideas a reality. There is even the possibility to raise as much as £20,000 towards your fundraising total! Those who are interested or may know someone who might be can attend the Project Creator Workshop on Thursday the 15th of June at 12pm. 

To attend and to find out more

£2 million Fund to Utilise Technology for Better Care in the UK
Funding is available to care providers in the UK to explore the potential for using technology to enable care at home and in the community. The Health Foundation is providing a £2m programme which will explore the potential for using technology to enable care. The Tech for Better Care programme will support up to six teams from across the UK over 18 months to develop, test and pilot care that focuses on the caring and enabling relationships needed between those who deliver and those who receive care, and that is proactive in supporting people to live a better and more independent life where possible.

The deadline for applications is 29 June 2023.

Find out more and apply

Applications Accepted for UK-wide Energy Learning Network Grant
As part of its £10 million Energy and Climate Fund, the National Lottery Community Fund is offering £1.5 million to one UK partnership in order to develop an Energy Learning Network to enable communities focusing on energy and climate to maximise and scale their impact and achieve their vision. It is expected that the successful partnership will provide support in both energy efficiency and generation. Funding will cover a period of three to five years. Interested partnerships are required to contact National Lottery Community Fund in advance before submitting an application for Energy Learning Network funding.

The deadline to apply is 28 July 2023.

Learn more about this fund

Night Shelter Transformation Fund to Receive £3.3M Funding Boost
Funding for projects which offer transformative solutions and deliver a diverse range of quality services for individuals experiencing rough sleeping in England. The Department for Levelling Up, House and Communities (DLHUC) has announced a significant addition to the funding for its Night Shelter Transformation Fund. During the first round of funding, over £9 million was delivered to 80 organisations across England working to make a difference in the homeless sector. Organisations will be able to access the prospectus and check their eligibility on the government website. The prospectus is expected to launch in a few weeks.

More details on the next funding round will be published in due course

Community Health Champions Fund Briefings
As announced in last week’s Bulletin, the Community Health Champions Fund is open for a further round. The deadline is midnight on Sunday 9 July. If you are thinking of applying and have questions, or just want to find out more about this fund, what it has achieved to date, and what goes into an effective application, we have two briefing sessions coming up.

Jenny Reddell, Community Health Officer, will be available to discuss this fund and answer your questions:

Eric Wright Charitable Trust Fund
The Eric Wright Charitable Trust’s fund administered by Lancaster District CVS is open again. Applying is quick and easy, and we would like to encourage all small groups around the Lancaster District to access these funds.

Grants of up to £500 are awarded to organisations with income under £50,000, providing activities that can make a positive difference to the lives & wellbeing of all age groups.

Deadline: 5pm on Thursday 22 June 2023.

Find out more and apply.

If you have any queries about the fund or how to apply, get in touch by email at [email protected] or by ringing CVS on 01524 555900.

England’s Landscape Recovery Scheme – Round Two Open for Applications
Funding is available to farmers and land managers to support projects to create new habitats for wildlife, help protected sites and boost efforts to reach net zero in England. Farmers and landowners in England are invited to apply for a share of a £15 million fund for projects that create new habitats, help enhance nature protection, and drive sustainable food production. All private land managers and landowners in England are able to apply including farmers, foresters, charities, non-farming organisations and collaborative groups. The maximum amount of development funding available in this second round of the scheme is £750,000 per project. The deadline for Round Two applications is 21 September 2023 (12:00 BST).

Find out more here

New £15m Funding to Provide Disadvantaged Youth Access to Outdoor Education
The Department for Education has announced funding of £15 million to help young people in deprived and nature-depleted areas to learn outside. The funding will also allow nurseries, schools and colleges to develop the biodiversity of their site and improve their outside learning facilities. Nurseries, schools and colleges that are ranked the lowest in Natural England’s measure of local access to natural space and are in areas with high levels of deprivation will be eligible for a grant. Nurseries, schools and colleges can register their interest in the National Education Nature Park ahead of a full launch in autumn 2023.

Further information on the £15 million fund will be announced soon. Visit GOV.UK for further information

Heritage fund ‘Helping you Apply’ Grant Guidance Webinars
The National Lottery Heritage Fund are hosting 2 hour informal sessions providing guidance that is tailored for organisations, groups and private owners of heritage based in the North of England. The webinar will look at the impact of heritage developments, well-planned projects and writing strong funding applications. This webinars will be especially helpful for first time applicants and those who are completely new to funding.

Grants for £3,000-£10,000 Webinar
Date & time: Tuesday 20th June 2023, 10am-12pm
Location: Online

More information and book your place

Grants for £10,000 – £250,000 Webinar
Date & time: Wednesday 26th July 2023, 2pm
Location: Online

More information and book your place

Wolfson Foundation’s Round Two of Funding for Places Opens for Applications (UK)
Grants are available for organisations and educational establishments in the UK which are registered charities or have charitable status to support new build or refurbishments. Through its main grants programme, the Wolfson Foundation, one of the UK’s largest funding charities, awards capital grants to support excellence in the fields of education, science and medicine, health and disability, heritage, humanities and the arts. The funding can be used for buildings (new build or refurbishments) and equipment. The minimum grant is £15,000 and there are no maximum grant amounts. The size of the grants varies greatly across different programme areas.

The Round 2 deadline for stage one applications for:

  • Secondary schools, sixth form colleges, special needs schools and college is 10 June 2023.
  • All other organisations is 1 July 2023.

Find out more about this funding option

Pilgrim Trust’s Young Women’s Mental Health Grant Programme Opens for 2023
Funding is available for projects to improve the mental health of young women aged 16 to 25 years old in the North East or North West of England, Yorkshire and Humber or Northern Ireland. Now in its third year, the Pilgrim Trust’s five-year, £5 million Young Women’s Mental Health Grant Programme is open to applications from UK registered charities with an annual income of between £100,000 and £1 million, have been operating for at least three years and whose work or project is located in the North East or North West of England, Yorkshire and Humber or Northern Ireland. The grants are for organisations that increase young women’s access to high quality, age and gender specific mental health services. To apply for funding, charities must first book a telephone conversation with the Trust’s Grants Manager to discuss their potential application. An application form will only be sent after this conversation has taken place.

The ‘book a conversation’ form is now available until 7 July 2023. Applications cannot be made without having this conversation.

Learn more about the programme

UK Community Ownership Fund – Updated Prospectus Published for Application Round Three
Funding is available to voluntary, community and charitable organisations in the UK to support them in taking ownership of local assets such as sporting and cultural venues, meeting spaces, community centres, pubs and shops. The £150 million Community Ownership Fund aims to support charities and community groups across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to take ownership of assets which are at risk of being lost to the community. The fund forms part of a package of UK wide levelling-up interventions, helping to support recovery, build opportunity and empower communities to improve their local places.

Round 3 Window 1 of applications will open on 31 May 2023 and close at 11.59am on 12 July 2023.

Find out more about this fund

Youth Investment Fund
Grant funding of up to £150k is available for refurbishment of buildings where youth work activities take place. The Youth Investment Fund has been developed to create, expand, and improve local youth facilities and their services in the out of school youth sector, to drive positive outcomes for young people, including improved mental and physical wellbeing, and skills for life and work. It aims to transform and level up the out-of-school youth sector. Organisations in parts of Lancaster and Morecambe/Heysham are eligible to apply.

Learn more about this fund

Co-op Local Fund Reopens for 2023 Applications
Voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations across the UK and Isle of Man can now apply for grants from the Co-op Local Community Fund, which allows Co-op members to support the projects they care most about. Awarded grants are for projects around Co-op and funeral homes that include food accessibility and bringing people together, improved mental wellbeing, opporunities for young people to be heard and restoring nature and tackling climate change. In most areas, this is between £1,000 and £3,000 on average. Successful groups will receive a minimum of £1,000 to support their projects.

The deadline to apply is midnight on 11 June 2023.

Learn more about this funding opportunity

Watch the following video to see how funding has supported local causes like Men’s Shed in Shropshire…

Cycling UK Reopens Big Bike Revival Grants Programme for 2023
Cycling UK is offering grants of up to £2,000 for voluntary and community cycle groups and other not-for-profit organisations across England to deliver projects and activities that achieve the objectives aimed at encouraging cycling who do not normally cycle and improving confidence and perception of cycling safety. Funding is for activities delivered between 15 May 2023 and 30 September 2023.

The deadline for applications is 31 July 2023.

Find out more about the Big Bike Revival Grants Programme

Deadline Reminder for Sport England’s Small Grants
Funding to remove barriers to participation in physical activity and improve community sport provision is available with the Sports England Small Grants programme. Applications remain open for the programme, which offers grants of £300 to £15,000 to projects across England. The aim of the fund is to bring communities together and provide sport and physical activities for people who may be less physically active. Applications are accepted from voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations, schools and local authority bodies.

The deadline to apply is 30 June 2023.

Look into this funding option

King Baudouin Foundation Invites UK Applications to its Community Health Fund
Funding has become available for not-for-profit organisations in the UK for projects to support vulnerable young people (aged 15-24) facing mental health challenges. This year, the Brussels based King Baudouin Foundation is inviting UK applications to its UCB Community Health Fund, which aims to address health disparities amongst vulnerable young people. Non-profit and non-governmental organisations can apply for a grant of between €30,000 and €50,000 (approximately £26,286 to £43,800) out of a total fund of €2 million (around £1,752,000).

The deadline for applications is 30 June 2023.

Read more about this fund

Power to Change Announces New Discovery Fund to Open for Applications on 1 June
The Discovery Fund is a new fund offered by Power to Change that are providing up funding for community businesses and community focussed organisations in England who are interested in exploring new tech-based solutions to meet some of their existing challenges. Running over nine months, the fund is looking to work collaboratively with 20 community organisations who are interested in making and using technology to meet some of their current challenges. Each organisation will be provided with funding to undertake their own discovery work and will be offered a place on a cohort-based Design Hop programme.

Opens for applications on 1 June and closes on 21 July 2023 (midday).

Discover more about this tech funding opportunity

New Round of Individuals and Families Funding from British Gas Energy Trust
A funding opportunity from British Gas Energy Trust has become available to support vulnerable energy consumers to pay off their energy debts. The Individuals and Families Fund is intended to tackle fuel poverty by clearing the energy debts of struggling households and respond to the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. Grants to cover arrears of up to £1,500 will be credited to the energy account of eligible households.

Applications are submitted on a rolling basis.

Find out more about the British Gas Energy Trust

Community Business Trade Up Programme 2023 Opens for Applications
A business development learning programme and match trading grant to support locally rooted community businesses in England to become stronger and more sustainable. The Community Business Trade Up Programme is provided by Power to Change and the Dulverton Trust in partnership with the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE). The programme is open to early stage businesses in England, ideally less than four years old, that are working towards these criteria:

  • Locally rooted.
  • Accountable to the local community.
  • Trading for the benefit of the local community.
  • Making a broad community impact.

Applications are now open with a deadline of 12 noon on 26 June 2023.

Read the Community Business Trade Up notes for applicants

Community Benefit Fund with Lancaster University
The Community Benefits Fund is a project that was formed by Lancaster University following the installation of their wind turbine in 2012. The wind turbine produces 15% of the overall energy demand on campus each year and the savings are used to award local communities across the Lancaster District with grant funding for community-based and environmental projects. Each year, the fund allocates up to £20,000 to Lancaster District based not-for-profit organisations, charities, trusts, community groups or voluntary organisations to support sustainable projects, large and small.

Applications for the Ninth round of funding (2020-21) will be accepted from 1st April until 30th June 2022. Successful applicants to the fund will be advised in August 2022

Learn more about this fund and how to apply

Congratulations to Lancaster Men’s Hub – they are a ‘Shed of the Year’!
Lancaster Men’s Hub recently entered the UK Men’s Sheds Association competition to find the ‘Shed of the Year’.

At a ceremony held in the House of Lords at the end of May, LMH were delighted to be awarded the title in the Health & Wellbeing Impact of the Year category.

LMH were cited for their work to meet the needs of the community by running activities such as their allotment, walking football, and crown green bowls.

To find out more about the ceremony, visit the UKMSA website.

Travel and Climate Change
Lancaster City Council are welcoming residents who live and work in the Lancaster district to air their views and get involved in a discussion concerning reducing emissions while being able to freely travel around. Though Lancaster City Council have made a lot of progress tackling this issue such as the decarbonisation of Salt Air Leisure Centre, purchasing electric vehicles such as bin trucks and improving the energy efficiency of their buildings this is only part of the bigger picture. As members of the public, we are being encouraged to answer the question “How can we as residents of the Lancaster district access the recourses we need to live a good life by moving around freely while at the same time reduce harmful emissions?” Get involved in the discussion about travel and climate change and put your views forward helping to answer this important question by taking part in the interactive survey here.

Charities Act 2022 – Changes to come in June
The next tranche of provisions from the Charities Act 2022 are expected to come into effect in June 2023. This includes changes to how charities sell land and how they access permanent endowment. The implementation plan has changed and some provisions that were originally planned to commence in June 2023 (Phase 2) will now be implemented by the end of 2023 (Phase 3). These are sections 18, 23, 24 and Schedule 1.

For further details, please see the Charities Act 2022 implementation plan webpage.

IICSA Report: Mandatory Reporting Call for Evidence
The Government has published its response to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) final report. One of the recommendations made by the Inquiry was for Government to introduce a new Mandatory Reporting duty for child sexual abuse. A 12 week Call for Evidence seeks views on how implementing a duty to report child sexual abuse is likely to impact children, organisations, and affected workforces and volunteers; and how different aspects could be implemented.

Responses are welcomed from anyone with an interest in or views on the subject matter including those working with children and young people in regulated activity or positions of trust (including VCSEs), those involved in law enforcement and, more generally, individuals and groups working with children and supporting those affected by child sexual abuse. Information gathered through the Call for Evidence will inform a consultation later this year on a shortlist of developed policy options. Responses to this consultation are requested by 14 August 2023.

Take Back the High Street Report by Power to Change
A new report ‘Take Back The High Street’ compiled by Power to change explores the reasons why high street vacancy rates have increased and set out the policy change needed for community-led regeneration of our high streets. report warns of rising persistent vacancy rates, discusses the challenges facing high streets and sets out clear policy recommendations for government to help create community-led high streets of the future.

The report presents data on the ‘High Street Warning Lights’ – the 100 English towns with the greatest increase in the persistent vacancy rate since 2015 – and the picture of property ownership in these places. It also provides a snapshot of expert opinion on the state of the high street as well as comparative analysis of international examples of initiatives to drive high street renewal, which inform our policy recommendations for the next government to create community-powered high streets.

Download the report here

Value of Giving Report – Benefact Group
The specialist financial services group of businesses the Benefact Group have released an insightful report into the value of giving. The report looks into how volunteering and donating has impacted society and for the first time unveils a hidden value that charities contribute to the UK economy, as well as our collective wellbeing.

Read the full report here

Get involved with Vision for Volunteering Workshops
The Vision for Volunteering is a movement to create a diverse, innovative, ambitious, equitable and person-centred future for volunteering. It aims to set out a view of what volunteering needs to look like, and how this will make volunteers feel about their roles, by 2032. More than 350 people from more than 300 organisations contributed to the Vision for Volunteering, which is led by NAVCA, NCVO, Volunteering Matters, and the Association of Volunteer Managers.

The Vision for Volunteering programme team are leading a range of in-person and virtual workshops throughout June and July to inspire you and your organisations to bring Vision for Volunteering to life in your communities. The workshops will be places for you to share what practical tools and resources will best help you with making the Vision a reality.

Find out more on the Vision for Volunteering events webpage.

Volunteer Achievement Awards 2023
Everybody at LDCVS would like to extend our thanks to those who nominated volunteers and came along to enjoy the 2023 Awards at the Midland Hotel in Morecambe. We had a fantastic ceremony celebrating the tremendous contribution that volunteers make to our communities, and enjoying a well-deserved evening in a beautiful setting… Read more

Volunteer Centre News Update
For the latest from the Volunteer Centre you can read our Volunteering News Update here

Volunteer Opportunity Promotion and Recruitment
Have you registered on our website to promote your volunteer roles? By adding your opportunities to our website you will be making them available to the hundreds of people per month who check our site looking for something to do. You will also enable our team to easily and quickly signpost people to your roles, to give them the information that they need to decide whether they would like to apply.

Registering is quick and easy and you can do it here.

Once registered you will be able to add your roles. If you need any help, or have any questions, you can contact Mark by email at [email protected].

In addition to the website, the Volunteer Centre can promote your roles via our bulletins and newsletters; through attendance at in-person events such as volunteer fairs; in 121 meetings with potential volunteers; through visits to various support organisations; drop-in events at local Job Centres; by posting to our social media platforms; and through our bi-weekly column in the Lancaster Guardian.

If you would like to discuss any of this, including having space in our Lancaster Guardian column, please contact Mark.

DBS Checks
We offer a DBS check service, working in partnership with Burnley, Pendle, and Rossendale CVS. If you need DBS certificates for your staff or volunteers, please visit our website here.

Volunteering Opportunities

New Trustees wanted for Lancaster Men’s Hub
The LMH is a charity that, instead of using therapy or counselling, encourages people to enjoy shared activities which will provide the opportunity to both socialise and form friendships. It is beneficial for both the physical and mental health of men and also women. The LMH is looking for someone who has experience and skills in charity governance or accounting/bookkeeping. Their aim is also to expand the diversity of Board of Trustees by gaining representation form different age groups and work backgrounds. Anyone interested in joining the charity as a Trustee is welcome to contact David Mace the LMH Chair on [email protected] 

Volunteer Community Panel Member Lancashire
The Community Foundation are looking for a someone to join the decision making panel to fill an important role and part of the funding process. Panel members have the very difficult job of deciding who is successful and who has to be declined. As well as being difficult it is also very rewarding as panel members have an opportunity to make an impact and learn more about what is happening in their community.  They have the responsibility to ensure that funding is spent as per the donor’s wishes.  CFLM values the knowledge, skills, expertise and experience that panel members can bring to the discussion as it can really enhance the assessments and aid decision making.

If you are interested in the role, please send your CV (if available) and brief statement of no more than 500 words to detailing your voluntary and community sector experience and why you are interested in being a panel member. If shortlisted, Community Foundation for Merseyside will invite you for an informal interview to find out more about you. If you would like to apply, please send your expression of interest to [email protected]

If you have any queries please contact James at the above email address or by telephone on 0151 294 4750.

Find out more about this opportunity


Skilled Volunteer Opportunities with Remap
Do you have engineering or craftsman skills that could be used to help others? Remap is a unique charity, working through a nationwide network of volunteers who use their ingenuity and skills to help adults and children with disabilities achieve greater independence and enjoyment of life’s opportunities. These volunteers design and manufacture special equipment where there is nothing commercially available. The commitment is flexible and work is shared between volunteers in accordance with availability. A few hours a month can help change someone’s life. They are seeking volunteers in the Fylde area particularly but anyone living in Lancashire or the South Lakes would be welcome.

For more information see our website or contact Harry Davis, Chairman, Lancashire NW Panel 01253 731958 or email – [email protected]

Bay Volunteers – Various Roles
Do you have time during the week to support individual residents with things like shopping, prescription collection, light touch telephone befriending, and more? Bay Volunteers needs volunteers to take up tasks at flexible times during the week supporting vulnerable members of our communities. Tasks are posted to a noticeboard accessible by volunteers and you can choose which ones you can do.

Find out more here

Board of Director Roles at Wise Up Workshops CIC
Wise Up Workshops CIC are looking to select people who have professional expertise to join their Board of Directors and be jointly responsible for its governance and strategic direction. In order to strengthen the board’s areas of expertise, they are looking to select two people who already work in one or more of the following areas:

  • As independent, practicing, self-employed artists/drama workshop leader
  • Within finance – budget setting, budget management and accountancy
  • In the education sector or within relevant disciplines

Take a look at the job description for the role

Roles with n-compass

Penpal Volunteer
Provide a connection and emotional support to Carers.

Outgoing CHAT line Volunteer
Provide a listening ear and emotional support to Carers.

Sitting In Service Volunteer
To allow carers a much-needed break from their caring role in order to do something for themselves.

Green Rose Energy Volunteer
Green Rose are advertising a variety of roles to choose from including social media support, helping at drop ins and events, delivering energy advice and holding the phone. There will be support around delivering energy champions training and briefings. The CIC provide a friendly and fun environment in which to meet new friends and learn new skills.

Explore this opportunity

The Bay Morecambe Hub Volunteer
The mental health & wellbeing project The Bay: A Blueprint for Recovery have recently opened a Community Hub in the Arndale Shopping Centre in Morecambe and are looking to use the space for events, closed group sessions and drop-in wellbeing support and signposting. The team are looking for friendly, reliable and empathetic volunteers to support with the running of the Community Hub and activities. The Bay programme is designed to help people to recover from the effects of Covid-19 and the resulting social isolation by providing opportunities to connect with nature and participate in environmental activity around Morecambe Bay. The role will be flexible and there are plenty of ways to get involved.

Find out more about this volunteer role

Council seeks views on its Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
Lancaster City Council would like to hear your views on its proposed strategy to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping in the district and what people feel are the biggest challenges in preventing it.

The draft strategy and action plan outlines its delivery of the Homelessness Strategy 2023-28 and approach to addressing homelessness, with a focus on supporting some of the most vulnerable people and households across the district.

Responding to homelessness requires much more than the provision of a home.  The strategy seeks to ensure local needs are met by working in partnership and collaboration with statutory, third sector and faith-based organisations to achieve this.

It also intends to build on what is working well in preventing homelessness and rough sleeping in the first instance by reducing the number of occasions when homelessness occurs.  The strategy also seeks to build on what has already been achieved by the council working in partnership with local organisations, other district councils and Lancashire County Council, and by following directions from central government around best practice and new legislation.

Councillor Caroline Jackson, Cabinet member with responsibility for housing, said: “We are fully committed to preventing homelessness and rough sleeping.  Following the new partnerships and developments that arose after lockdown, it’s vitally important that we evaluate what has and hasn’t been working well. 

“Feedback on the strategy from local people, will give us a greater chance of ensuring it delivers action that prevents homelessness wherever possible and supports people made homeless by giving outstanding services.”

View the council’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and to have your say

The consultation will close on Monday, 3 July, 2023, we’d really value your contribution.

Be Kind to Your Mind Sessions
Do you feel like you could benefit from better mental health? Do you feel like you are suffering from either anxiety, depression or chronic stress or like you are struggling with a combination of these factors? Be Kind to Your Mind is a 4 session program which looks at how dietary factors and lifestyle choices can influence the state of our mental health. These helpful sessions will cover movement, nutrition, sleep management and also mindfulness. They will be £10 each or free for Preston Marriot Leisure Club members. Sessions take place at the Preston Marriot Leisure Club and will be held at 1pm on the dates 6th, 13th, 20th and the 27th of June.  Click on the link below to register and get started on your journey of self-improvement! 

Find out more about the workshops here

Back to Me Wellbeing Course
The Back to Me wellbeing course is a three week course held at the Poulton Neighbourhood Centre in Morecambe which allows you to focus on yourself, improve your wellbeing and develop strategies to help you feel more confident handling life stressors. The areas the course help with are dealing with stress, managing your emotions positively and confidence and resilience. Refreshments will be provided along with a free gift on every session.

Session dates are: Wednesdays 14th and 21st June from 9.30am-12.30pm.

Find out more

Fourth annual report on Tackling Loneliness Strategy published
This year marks five years since DCMS published the world’s first government strategy developed to tackle loneliness. The fourth annual report celebrates the work the Department has undertaken with a wide range of partners to raise awareness of loneliness and improve the support for lonely people in England since 2018. It also captures over 60 new and ongoing actions that government departments are committed to delivering between 2023-2025.

Find out more about the Tackling Loneliness Strategy.

Macmillan Information and Support Service
The University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust provide a non-nursing information and support service working in partnership with the hospital cancer team for those suffering with or those caring for patients with cancer. Whether you are living with or beyond cancer, or you are a family member, friend or carer, the team are there to support you.

View their information e-leaflet here

IPPR Commission Report on Health and Prosperity 
This in-depth report looks at the relationship between good health and prosperity both individually and nationally. Alongside longer life expectancy there is also the issue of greater rates of death and impaired health such as long-term conditions whether singular or multiple. Particularly looking at the lack of regard for good health by policy makers the report brings to light the importance of not overlooking good long-term health and how it can both positively impact and benefit the economy. The report covers both the pre-pandemic and pandemic period and also how factors such as having a member of the household who is unwell can impact this issue. Interesting findings also reveal that the impact of long-term illness on the labour market is not unique to the pandemic showing that both mental and physical health have already been a long-term factor in loss of earnings and economic cost.

Click this link to read the report in full.  

International Yoga & Mind Body Practice for Wellbeing Conference
The UCLan Social Prescribing Unit are holding the first International Yoga & mind-body practice conference as a celebration of the practice of Yoga and its influence in guiding us in life’s challenges. The conference aims to bring together communities, prescribers, researchers, students, academics, health and social care professionals and prescribers of social prescribing into a space to share, promote, collaborate and explore the impact on an individual’s wellbeing from yoga and how it influences our ability to react or respond as we move toward pandemic recovery and growth.

The event takes place on 21st June 2023

Find out more about this event and book

Bay Health Festivals: Lancaster

Bay Health Festival Stalls
Join Bay Health Festivals in Dalton Square, Lancaster, on July 8 & 9 for two fantastic family events. On Saturday July 8 they will be hosting their biggest ever Bay Health Festivals event, with loads of stalls and live entertainment.

Get a free health check, find out about a huge range of health-related organisations and charities, and get inspired to discover new, healthier ways of living. There’s also live entertainment and great food and drink on offer throughout the day!

More info here

A Celebration of Cycling
On Sunday July 9th pedal on down to Dalton Square for a celebration of cycling. Whether you’re riding a bike for fitness or transport (or both) cycling is great exercise for body and mind and also helps to reduce traffic and is better for the environment. Test ride an e-bike, get tips and advice on starting cycling, get a free bike check from a qualified mechanic, and much more!

More info here

Home Fire Safety Check 
Receive your own personalised fire safety advise by filling in the questionnaire provided on the home fire safety check service page. Get safety advice specific to your individual needs via email or possibly a fire safety check at home should you be at a higher risk. Click on the link below to fill out the questionnaire and get the relevant and important advice provided by Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service. 

Lancashire Fire Safety Questionnaire & Advice

Mental Health Awareness Toolkit – Student & Staff Resources
The Mental Health Foundation have created a toolkit with helpful resources for Mental Health Awareness Week to help you share information about mental health and anxiety. The toolkit has information on managing stress and anxiety, mental wellbeing audio guides, managing teacher anxiety and more.

Explore the toolkit here

Community Groups in May – Safenet
The domestic abuse support service Safenet are running a series of personal development and parenting courses.  The sessions include Power2Change which is a 12-week personal development course for people who have experienced unhealthy relationships, including sessions on self-esteem, boundaries and managing our emotions. Other sessions include You & Me, Mum which is a 10-week parenting course that looks at the effects of unhealthy or abusive relationships on parenting and children.

Session dates, times & locations:

Power2Change Women  – 10am- 11.30am every Monday from 15/05/23 at Stanleys Youth and Community Centre, Morecambe or 5.30pm -7pm every Monday from 15/05/2023 at Red Rose Recovery, 58 Penny Street, Lancaster

View the Power2Change Women e-flyer

Power2Change Men – 11am-12.30pm every Friday from 05/05/2023 at Red Rose Recovery, 58 Penny Street, Lancaster or 1.30pm-3pm every Monday from 15/05/2023 at Stanleys Youth and Community Centre, Morecambe

View the Power2Change Men e-flyer

You & Me, Mum  – 9.30am-11am every Friday from 05/05/2023 at Red Rose Recovery, 58 Penny Street, Lancaster

View the You & Me, Mum e-flyer

Drowning Prevention and Water Safety
As the weather begins to improve, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service is joining other fire services across the UK and asking people to stay safe when spending time in and around water. The call comes as part of the National Fire Chiefs Council’s (NFCC) ‘Be Water Aware’ campaign which ran from 24th – 30th April 2023. The campaign is warning people of the risk of accidentally drowning when in or around water. There were 277 deaths in the UK from accidental drowning in 2021 in inland and coastal locations. 40% of people who lost their lives had no intention of entering the water according to the WAID 2021 annual fatal incident report, with slips, trips and falls being the main cause of them entering the water.

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service would like people to know some basic water safety information related to the #BeWaterAware campaign:

  • Don’t assume you’re not at risk of drowning just because you don’t intend to go into the water.
  • If someone falls into water call 999. Advise the casualty to try and float on their back and relax. Try and shout for help nearby and throw them something to either drag them to safety or to aid them to float.
  • Ensure children are fully supervised near water.
  • Do not enter the water if you have been drinking or taking drugs.
  • If you are going running alone, try and tell someone where you are going.
  • Never enter the water yourself to try and save someone.

Learn more at the Lancaster Fire & Rescue Website

Step Into Work Programme
LDCVS is working in partnership with Morecambe Bay Trust to offer local young people (aged 18-24) and not in work or training a chance to attend our Step Into Work programme. The programme will begin with participants attending three days (from 10-2pm) of employability skills at More Lane Mills. This will be followed by a three week working placement at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary.

Working placements will be available in the following areas: health care, catering, domestics, portering, administration, estates and facilities and carpark supervision. Admin for the programme will need to be completed on 10th July. The programme has provisionally been arranged to begin on the 11th September 2023. All young people will be guaranteed a mock interview with Morecambe Bay Trust at the end of the programme.

For more information and to book a place please email [email protected]

Healthy Parental Relationships Course & Information
The Children & Family Wellbeing Service are set to run a free multi-agency training programme based around reducing parental conflict.  The quality of the interparental relationships is increasingly recognised as a primary influence on children’s physical, emotional, and behavioural outcomes, their long-term mental health, and future life chances. Research shows that when this conflict is frequent, intense, and poorly resolved it can have a significant negative impact on children. The course is part of a government initiative to help with improving child outcomes by improving interpersonal communication and relationships.  

A 4 week condensed version of the course will be delivered from 24th June to the 15th July, Saturday 10am – 12pm at two venues:

New Era Complex, Accrington
Preston Central, Preston

Please see their information sheet for more

Young Health Champions Course
Stanleys Community Centre are running a Young Health Champions Course set to run over two weekends for young people between the age of 14-24 to achieve a Level 2 Award qualification.  They must have an interest in health and wellbeing and are keen to have their voice heard around issues affecting their peers while also providing support to develop healthier lifestyles at school, college or in the workplace.

Read their information e-leaflet here

Colourful Footsteps Sessions
The Children and Family Wellbeing Service are running  workshops for young people that have additional needs/ disabilities. The workshops centre their activities around their needs whilst boosting the child’s learning and development. They also get the chance to meet others with shared experiences. The sessions take place on Wednesdays from 1-2.30pm at the Lune Park Neighbourhood Centre, Lancaster.

More information here

Friends of Chadwick High School Mainway Skerton
The Friends of Chadwick High School, in partnership wit the student council, local and national organisations aspire to help the school offer a unique choice of wholesome health and wellbeing interventions with a firm foundation for supporting students to overcome challenges and transition in the future.

See their e-flyer for more info

Young Peoples View on Culture Survey 
A questionnaire provided by Common Vision is giving those aged under 25 who live in England the opportunity to give their views on culture, creativity and education. They can share their experiences on art and culture and give their opinion on what young people may need to access and enjoy both cultural and creative experiences. There is also the chance to get involved and gain paid work as a Youth Facilitator conducting workshops for research with other young people. Respondents can click on the link below to take part in the survey and will all be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 voucher!  

Follow this link for the survey

Lancaster Music Festival Young Peoples Academy
The LMF have launched its 2023 Academy (fka Search For a Star). The academy is open for anyone aged 14-21 in North Lancashire or South Cumbria and is a great chance to receive musical mentorship from Sony signed band “Lowes”, work with Beyond Radio and other industry professionals, and perform live paid gigs t this Octobers city wide music festival.

The application process is simple and the deadline is midnight June 11th.

View their e-poster here
Find out more and sign up

Prince’s Trust Community Project
As the Princes Trust prepare for the next team to start in May 2023, they are looking for local organisations or groups who might be able to host the team for  their community project. The Community Project takes place w/c 12th & 18th June 2023 and provides the team with the opportunity to take ownership of a non-technical project over 8 days. Previous community projects have included tidying up spaces by painting and gardening. The size of Princes Trust Team will be around 15.  Please contact [email protected] for further information.

St John’s Hospice Simply 4 Voices Fundraising Concert
Emily Robinson, Sarah Jillian Cox, Christopher Steele and John Sutherland perform timeless favourites from opera and the shows, in aid of St John’s Hospice.

23 June, 6:45 (door) for 7:45 (concert), Borwick and Priest Hutton Memorial Hall, £20

Find out more and buy tickets

Pitch-perfect Funding Applications
The Benefact Group and the Directory of Social Change are offering this free webinar providing advice on key considerations when approaching funding applications, as well as straightforward guidance on good practice in bid writing.

26 June, 10:30am – 12 noon, via Zoom
Find out more and book

An Introduction to the Trustee Role
LDCVS is offering this free training session to those who have recently started volunteering as a Trustee or are thinking about doing so in the near future. The session will look at Trustee responsibilities and what is expected of individuals that take up the role. It will explore terms such as governance, compliance, Boards of Trustees, liability and the role of bodies such as the Charity Commission. There will be space for questions/ discussion and participants will have a clear picture of the Trustee role from legal duties and what it means in practice to good governance and why the role matters.

Thursday 6 July 2023, 10am – 12 noon, at Brew Me Sunshine – Galloways (Victoria Street, Morecambe) – find out more and book

Digital Freedom & Multiply Training by PHX

Digital Freedom Course
PHX Training in Morecambe are providing an exciting opportunity for IT enthusiasts called Digital Freeom 2023. The course will offer learners a free digital device with 40GB of renewable data for 6 months.  The initiative is proudly funded by the district Council, demonstrating their commitment to supporting individuals on their journey towards employment and digital inclusion. This course is completely free of charge for anyone over the age of 19 who is currently is out of work or receiving benefits and experiencing challenges such as social isolation, mental health issues, or physical health concerns. Experienced tutors will provide hands-on support and guidance in a classroom-based setting, ensuring that every participant gains the necessary skills to thrive in today’s digital landscape. The courses providers will also assist with travel expenses.

The course will accomodate different schedules offering two start dates – 12th and 21st June.  the programe will run from Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 3pm.

The course will take place at PHX Training, Unit 2, Queen St Square, Station Rd, Morecambe, LA4 5JL

Multiply Training
PHX are also delivering the Multiply – Skills for Life program. This program is aimed at those without Level 2 Math qualifications, allowing them to build confidence with numbers through non-traditional maths teaching methods and learn life skills such as budgeting and managing their money. This course which is made up of 3 workshops, each 2 hours long, spread over a few days which helps with budgets and managing house hold expenses.  At the end of the 3 sessions, learners receive a £25 supermarket gift card.

Other vocational courses are also available. For more information, please visit the PHX Training Website or contact them on 01524 748095

Stanleys Community Centre Open Day & AGM
The charity Stanleys Community Centre are holding a celebratory open day for their 10th year anniversary along with the opportunity to meet the Trustees.  There will be the opportunity to find out all about the activities taking place at the centre, sharing some good news and enjoy a free buffet lunch. The AGM will take place during the days event.

View their e-poster here

Warm Welcome Support Drop in
The Children and Family Wellbeing Service run weekly wellbeing drop-in sessions for those looking for some social connectivity. Their doors are wide open for those that may need some advice and support or simply just a chat and a brew (free brews and snacks). The kids are also welcome and there are lots of toys and crafts to keep them busy. The sessions run on Wednesdays from 10.30am-11.30am at Lune Park Neighbourhood Centre.

Find out more here

Triple P Parenting Programme
Lancashire County Council and the Children and Family Wellbeing Service provide a parental support programme for those in the Lancaster District.  Triple P stands for ‘Positive Parenting Program’ and is geared towards helping the parent take control of their parenting strategies and implementing them. The sessions provide a focus on those parenting children from 2-10 years and also those in their teenage years. Attendance is in person and online throughout the month of June.

See their e-poster here

Morecambe and Lancaster Zine Library
A resource for creativity and connection linking Morecambe and Lancaster with its three Ziney hubs at Good Things Studio & The Nib Crib in Morecambe and The Gregson Community Centre in Lancaster.

See here for further details of the library and upcoming zine making sessions. 

Nature Therapy Summit: Enhance Your Impact Through Connection
The University of Central Lancashire and the charity Mind Over Mountains are colloborating for an industry leading event, which aims to bring together leading voices from across the outdoors, mental health, social prescribing and research community to share best practice, inspire future research and aid your future funding bids. This in-person event includes a mixture of keynote talks, guided discussion groups, workshops and networking opportunities to leave you with a rucksack packed full of ideas, resources, new connections and opportunity. There is also an additional opportunity for a night of camping for a conitnuation of networking and discussion.

Date & time: 16th June 2023, 10am-4.30pm
Location: Westleigh Conference Centre, Lead Rd, Preston, PR4 0RB

Find out more and book your place

A Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel at The Gregson
Introducing singer songwriters Tim Chu and Ian Bailey performing “A Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel- The UK’s leading non tribute show” as heard on BBC Radio. Tim Chu has been a professional session musician for many years and his music features in TV, Film and Radio. He has loved the music of Paul Simon from a young age. Ian Bailey has been a singer songwriter releasing his own albums for many years. Together they blend in their own unique way without falling into the tribute act category. There will be no make-up, wigs or costumes – Just two great musicians performing some of Simon & Garfunkel’s classic songs in an intimate and relaxed way.

Date & time: Friday 23rd June 2023, 7.30-10pm

More information and ticket bookings here

The Future of Child Safeguarding Digital Conference
Westminster Insight are hosting a digital conference which will examine the future of child safeguarding which takes a cloer look into the increasing rate of neglect, domestic abuse, child sexual and child criminal exploitation and the systems in place in order to protect children and support families. The conference will bring together multi-agency safeguarding partners from across children’s social care, child protection, health, family hubs, police and schools. They will explore how to strengthen families to reduce risks of harm from both within and outside the home.

Date & time: Tuesday 4th July 2023, 9am-1.45pm
Location: Online 

Find out more and book your place

Growing Our Food Futures
In 2021 ‘Our Food Futures: A community food strategy for North Lancashire’ was published. This kickstarted a range of exciting community-led and collaborative projects and activities across the District, including the Lancaster District Food Justice Partnership; the food club network; THRIVE Magazine; Where The Wildings Are school project; The Plot’s FarmStart scheme and the Closing Loops projects, just to name a few… It’s now time to come together, build new connections, reflect and learn from what has been achieved so far and plan next steps. This event is being hosted by Jamie Murphy and Anna Clayton from FoodFutures, a day for connecting, dreaming and planning next steps for growing a “thriving local food system that is healthy, resilient and fair”. The event is open to everyone – from those who run community food projects and have never identified with FoodFutures; to those who have been involved with FoodFutures since the beginning. Or those who just want to find out what is going on. Lunch, drinks and refreshments will be provided.

Date & time: 14th June 2023, 10am-3pm
Location: The Platform, Morecambe

Booking is essential to help us adapt the event and reduce food waste.

Reserve your place here

North Lancashire Green Week 10-25 June
In June 2023, a range of organisations, groups, charities, businesses, individuals and change-makers in Lancaster, Morecambe and the Lune Valley region will be taking part in the largest nationwide event for climate and nature to highlight the need for urgent action in this area. The local North Lancashire Green Week highlights the need to come together to collaboratively address the climate and nature emergency and look at ways our local communities can work together to make a real and lasting difference. The local programme of events is coordinated by FoodFutures, North Lancashire’s sustainable food network. It will include Lancaster’s Midsummer Market, an open day and celebration at Claver Hill Community Food Growing Project, the opening of a new play park at Greaves Park and a whole range of informative, fun, and engaging events and activities… Read more

Cap Money Course
Christians against poverty are holding a free course on money management with tips and guidance on learning to budget, save and spend. The course is for anyone from students to the retired. The course will contain a few pointers for setting your own household budget and making it balance, with unlimited access to a brilliant free online tool which does the adding up for you. Their team will share ideas of how to make your money go further, spend less and to save for future events, home improvements, trips, Christmas, birthdays, etc, and stay out of debt for a secure financial future.

Date and time: Mondays: 5th, 12th and 19th June, 9.30am – 11am.
Location: Lune Park Neighbourhood Centre, Rylands Park, Lancaster

View the course e-flyer here

Groundwork – Designing & Implementing Support for Creative Practitioners (virtual)
The Arts & Health Hub are delivering training for organisations commissioning and working with creative practitioners in the field of arts and health. This could include statutory and charitable organisations delivering community arts programmes (i.e social prescribing schemes) and arts organisations that commission artists. This training is not designed for individual artists.  This six hour training course takes place over three 2-hour sessions and you are advised to attend all three sessions.

The sessions take place on:

15th June 2023 (2pm – 4pm)
22nd June 2023 (2pm – 4pm)

The course takes place over Zoom.
Learn more about this course here
Book your e-ticket for the virtual session here


NFP Workshops – Affordable Training Courses for Charities
NFP are running a variety of workshops that cover a range of subject areas for charities, schools, healthcare and public sector organisations. The online sessions can be attended via Zoom and take place from 10am-12.30pm.  The workshop timetable has included more dates in the coming months as follows:

Managing staff –  21 Jun
Bid Writing – 19 Jun
Legacy Fundraising – 20 Jun
Introduction to Fundraising – 22 Jun
Managing Staff – 21 Jun

View the full workshop schedule and booking links

The course is delivered free for volunteers, with a charge for other delegates. Find out more and book your place.

External Engagement Officer
The Work Foundation at Lancaster University are looking for a skilled engagement and communications professional ahead of the General Election 2024. They are looking for someone who both understands and is ambitious about the role digital communications can play in engaging employers, policy makers, media, academics and other research organisations in vital social, economic and political challenges facing the UK at this moment in time. Those who are interested in this exciting role can read more information and apply by clicking the link below.

Salary: £30,616 – £35,308 per year (+ £3,257 London Weighting)
Contract: 18 months, full time
Location: Lancaster, Lancashire (Hybrid) 
London, Greater London
Closing date: 06 June 2023 at 23:59 

Find out more and apply

Youth Worker at Cancer Care 
Cancer Care are looking for somebody to join their Re-Fresh Young People’s Peer Support Group which support young people aged 12-17 affected by issues surrounding cancer and bereavement. Just some of these roles involved in taking on this rewarding position will include assisting in organising activities for young people at Cancer Care centres and outreach activity sessions, 1-2-1 casework for individual’s needs, developing links with other community providers of youth services and assisting parents and guardians to support their children through cancer or bereavement.  

Salary: £16,149 per year 
Contract: Permanant, Part time, 24 per week 
Location: Lancaster, Lancashire (On-site) 
Closing Date: 26th June 2023 at 23:59

Learn more about this job and apply

Operations Manager
Stanley’s Community Centre is now a thriving hub within the West End of Morecambe and they provide sessions with the aim of improving the health and wellbeing of it’s community. They now have the exciting opportunity for someone who is interested in the role of being an Operations Manager. Just some aspects to this varied role will include managing staff and volunteers and exploring opportunities for the development of the organisation and consulting and engaging with other communities and partners to help ensure co-development. 

Salary: £30,000
Contract: 35 hours per week usually Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm (occasionally you will be required to work out of these hours and weekends)
Location: Stanleys Community Centre
Closing Date: 12pm on Friday the 23rd of June

Find out more and apply

Project Co-ordinator – Local Lancashire LACVS
The purpose of this role is to co-ordinate and drive LACVS’s LOCAL Lancashire Project delivering against the Lancashire LOCAL Project Impact Statement and lead the development and implementation of the VCFSE Sector Manifesto across the Lancashire subregion. Your work will support the VCFSE sector’s role and influence in the subregion.

Salary: £23,870 per annum(Full-Time Equivalent £29,439)
Contract: 30 hours per week
Location: Ability to work across Lancashire – but primary location – Preston.
Closing Date: 25 July

Find out more here

Place Co-ordinator – LACVS – LOCAL Lancashire
To play a key role in LACVS’s delivery of LOCAL Lancashire Project and delivery against the Lancashire LOCAL Impact Statement and the development and implementation of the VCFSE Sector Manifesto across the Lancashire subregion. Your work for the Project and the implementation of the Manifesto will support the VCFSE sector’s role and influence in the sub-region.

Salary: £18,476 (Full-Time Equivalent £27,344)
Contract: 25 hours per week
Location: Ability to work across Lancashire – but having a base within one of the member organisations – which are based in Blackpool, Blackburn, Burnley, Great Harwood, Lancaster, Preston and Skelmersdale.
Closing Date: 19th June 2023
Start Date: 3rd July 2023

Find out more and apply

Circuit Operations Manager 
The North Lancashire Methodist Circuit are looking for a suitably experienced full-time Operations Manager. Though they are an equal opportunities employer the post holder must be a practicing Christian and a member of a church which is part of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. The role holder will provide professional management and oversite in various areas to give more freedom to ministers and volunteers to concentrate on mission and ministry.  

Salary: £31,000 per annum 
Contract: 40 hours per week with some flexible work 
Closing Date: 19th June 9am  
Interview: Week beginning 3rd July 

Find out more about this role

Weekend Caretaker  
The Centre @ Halton is looking for a weekend caretaker who can start as soon as possible. Duties include opening/closing the building for parties and general cleaning and tidying. Flexible hours and must have own use of own transport and the applicant must be over 18. 

Salary: £10.50 per hour with annual holiday entitlement  
Location: Low Road, Halton 
Closing Date: 30th June 
Call 01524 811316 to discuss the role 

Young People’s Action Research Officer with CancerCare
CancerCare North Lancashire & South Cumbria are seeking an Action Research Officer to join their team. The role will include working with teenagers in their Refresh group to co-design, deliver and evaluate the service. There will also be a small Case Worker element to the role which will require delivering targeted support for identified young people working alongside other service providers, including supporting and signposting families to access services from other providers.

Salary: £16,461 (£25,720 ft equivalent)
Contract: 24 hours per week: Tues-Thurs
Location: Slynesdales, Lancaster
Closing Date: 16th June 2023

Read the job advert here

Global Link Part Time Caseworker 

Support asylum seekers and in particular refugees by providing casework through resettlement programmes. For this role you will also be supported and supervised to undertake tasks such as providing ‘moving on’ advice such as setting up bank accounts and benefit applications, advice and support with housing, welfare benefits, public services, etc and help them access a range of services such as those provided by voluntary, community and faith groups and organisations. These are just a few tasks you will be required to do for this rewarding role helping and supporting people to settle into their new lives.  

Salary: Pro rota £25, 434 (£13.77/hour) + employer’s pension contribution of 5%. 
Actual salary for the 0.5 post is £12,534.25 
Contract: 17.5 hours per week
Closing date for applications: Tuesday 30th May at 9:00am.
Start date: 3rd of July 2023 

Applicants should send completed job applications to [email protected]

or post to Global Link, 29 Queen Street, Lancaster, LA1 1RX.

Find out more about this role and apply

Family Support Worker with School Home Support (SHS)
The School Home Support charity are looking for a Family Support Worker to join their team and to make a difference in children’s lives. As the Family Support Worker, you will work in close partnership with school staff to deliver a programme of casework to promote and improve educational outcomes for the children and the families they support. You will also focus your support to help improve attendance, punctuality and engagement in learning.

Salary: £19,158 – £21,625 per annum
Contract: Contract, full-time – 5 days per week term time only plus inset days – 35 hours per week
Location: Stanley Primary School and Westminster Primary Academy, Blackpool
Closing Date: 14th June 2023, 23:59 

I’m interested in this role, show me more

If your organisation needs support whether it be working with volunteers, completing accounts and payroll, finding funding, solving governance issues, or just want a listening ear, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team:

Funding and governance support, contact [email protected]

Volunteering and DBS,
contact [email protected]

Payroll, bookkeeping and independent examinations, contact [email protected]

Health and social prescribing, contact [email protected]

Children and young people, contact [email protected]

Membership queries to: [email protected]

Partnerships, networks and strategic development, contact [email protected]

Alternatively, call us on 01524 555900

To promote your events, training, jobs, and sector news, email [email protected]