Networks & Partnerships

A good working relationship with our local governments and health care partners is crucial for the local voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector.  We help to build that relationship.
Our strategic policy work aims to enhance partnerships between the sector, relevant departments in local government, our local educational institutions, faith communities, businesses and other key organisations.
If you are interested in joining our networks or partnering with us, please contact Yak Patel, our Chief Officer, by email at [email protected] or telephone 01524 555900.

Our Network Forums

Children Young People Multi-Agency Forum

The CYPMAF provides a valuable opportunity for people working with children and young people in the district to share information ideas and keep n touch with other organisations.

Lancaster District VCFSE leadership forum

The leadership forum is facilitated by Lancaster District CVS. It provides a strategic network for Voluntary, Community, Faith organisations, Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprise leaders in the Lancaster District.

The forum is guided by the principles of:

  • Shared values
  • Open dialogue
  • Investment for the future
  • Creative, innovative and cooperative joint working
  • Outcomes focused activities

If you are a voluntary, community, faith or social enterprise organisation or group interested in joining the network, please contact Yak Patel, our Chief Officer, by email at [email protected] or telephone 01524 555900.

Working With Our Partners

Lancaster District Community Voluntary Solutions is committed to working in partnership with the Lancaster City Council to improve communities across the District. 

Building a good working relationship with our local authority is crucial for the local Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Sector and how the partnership can lead to better lives for our local communities. The strategic policy work of Lancaster District CVS aims to reflect this and enhance partnerships between the sector and council departments.

We work with Lancaster City Council to achieve its priorities

  • A Sustainable District
  • An Inclusive and Prosperous Local Economy
  • Healthy and Happy Communities
  • A Co-operative, Kind and Responsible Council.

The LOCAL project is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund & is managed by the Lancashire Association of Councils for Voluntary Service (LACVS). It builds on and works with the nine priorities identified through a series of sector wide conversations, events and workshops facilitated by Voluntary Sector North West (VSNW) which co produced the VCFSE Manifesto for Lancashire 14.

LOCAL is a conversation process set up to develop a collective vision for the VCFSE sector in the wider area as well as specific districts. We need to be able to make the case for our communities, for our sector and for ideas that make a real difference. We need to be very clear about what is important to the 10,000 plus groups operating across the area. It is vital that we understand how we can collectively push for the kind of changes, ideas, and necessary investment to enable more effective service to our communities. 


Lancashire Alliance is a group made up of VCFSE organisations across the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS), alongside Lancashire City Council, Health & Well-Being boards in Lancashire and South Cumbria, and the ICS executive team.

 Their collaboration enables members to:

  • Share information and best practices with other members.
  • Discuss challenges and how to solve them.
    Give feedback and updates on projects and coordinate strategies for more effective partnerships.
  • Ensure people, communities and VCFSE are empowered through policy development, service delivery and evaluation.

The Community Learning Network is a group of education providers and community development organisations who are passionate about developing the skills of people living and working in our local communities.

We are working together to help people in our communities, particularly those from disadvantaged areas where poverty and other barriers affect everyday lives and prevent them from participating fully in society.

Find out more and see regular updates on our dedicated page.

Working together to create a stronger and more connected district where all children and young people can thrive and realise their own potential.

Lancaster District Youth Partnership is a collection of voluntary, community, and faith organisations that provide support to children and young people in our communities across the Lancaster district. Our partnership was created in response to the challenges facing the children and young people’s sector which were further enhanced by the effects of the pandemic.

We wanted to start working more closely so that we could collaborate, advocate, generate ideas, share resources and knowledge, provide peer support and bring together the public and voluntary sectors to effect positive change for children, young people and the communities they live in.

Find out more and see regular updates on our dedicated page.

WEM and CWE are resident-led community partnerships that aim to tackle local issues. They work with other groups to provide a voice for local people and are two of 150 similar partnerships that together make up the Big Local programme.

As their Locally Trusted Organisation, LDCVS helps the WEM and CWE projects administer their funds awarded by Big Local Trust.

Healthier Lancashire & South Cumbria ICS is a partnership that connects health & care services to improve services and help Lancashire and South Cumbria residents live healthier lives.

The ICS listens to the priorities of our communities, and tackles health challenges in the community.

This partnership is made up of Local Authority, public sector, NHS and voluntary and community organisations.

The Institute for Voluntary Action Research has published resources for Primary Care Networks wishing to work with the VCFSE sector, based on their work as a learning partner within our ICS.

Bay Health and Care Partners is made up of local health and social care services working together across North Lancashire, South Cumbria and Furness with a shared vision for communities across Morecambe Bay.

This collaboration helps local communities to enjoy physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and benefit from a supportive and good health and care system.

This partnership is made up of the listed organisations and groups:

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
  • NHS Morecambe Bay Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
  • Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
  • Morecambe Bay Primary Care Collaborative
  • Cumbria County Council
  • Lancashire County Council
  • Lancaster City Council
  • Barrow Borough Council
  • South Lakeland District Council
  • Cumbria Council for Voluntary Service (CVS)
  • Lancaster District CVS

A PCN is a collection of individual General Practitioners (GPs). They aim to build on the core of current primary care services and enable proactive, personalized, coordinated and more integrated health & social care for our communities.

There are 5 Integrated Care Partnerships in Lancashire and South Cumbria:

  • Bay Health Care and Partners
  • Central Lancashire
  • Fylde Coast
  • Pennine Lancashire
  • West Lancashire

Upskilling the Health & Social Care Workforce across Lancashire

The purpose of the project is to bring together ‘support, training and future proofing’ for the workforce of small and medium sized enterprises (less than 250 employees) across private and social enterprise sectors throughout Lancashire, who contribute towards improving people’s health.

Eligible organisations are working across the social determinants of health including, but not limited to, the arts, sport and recreation, education and training, community development, employment support, environmental initiatives and so on

Any business, organisation or activity that helps to improve the health and well-being of the community and the individuals therein could be eligible for free training provided by the upskilling project.

Find out more and see regular updates on our dedicated page.

The National VCS Emergencies Partnership helps VCFSE organisations aid their local areas in emergency situations by:

  • Facilitating access to information that can help national charities and the central government to respond to emergencies.
  • Escalating unmet needs within local communities.
  • Providing regular e-mail updates on local area news.

LRF is a group of organisations that work together to respond to emergencies such as the current Coronavirus pandemic in Lancashire.

They achieve their objectives through some of the activities below:

  • Regular meetings.
  • Assessing impacts of the risks in Lancashire and providing the information to the public in a Community Risk Register.
  • Proactively developing plans to mitigate risks and manage emergencies.

Our partnership with Lancaster University helps us to promote academic collaboration with VCFSE organisations.

This is achieved through the co-design and co-production of activities and projects, which help to:

  • Boost the health of local people. 
  • Improve education for young people and adult learners. 
  • Aid in developing an enterprising, responsive third sector as well as enhancing rich experiences for workforce development.

Some of our collaborative projects with Lancaster University are listed below.

ESV Volunteering offers an opportunity for high skilled volunteers to actively contribute to local communities.  Volunteers use their knowledge, skills and experiences to support community or voluntary sector organisations in their service delivery or strategic development.

SHOUT started in 2018 between the University Widening Participation Team and the VCFSE organisations. The SHOUT project provided opportunities for disadvantaged young people to engage in a summer programme, hosted on campus to inspire young people into higher education.

Our collaboration with the Imagination Centre helps us create simple tools that encourage ideas, creating stronger and more active communities. We are currently co-designing workshops to help our members to create bids for funding.


The new Health Innovation Campus at Lancaster University will contribute towards tackling some of the significant health challenges we face today. Lancaster District CVS currently sits on the management committee, representing the VCFSE sector.

The HIC works in key areas of:

  • Addressing significant health and wellbeing challenges.
  • Using innovation in thought & design processes, technology, products and practice from various subjects at Lancaster University.
  • Provide opportunities for meaningful and long-term partnerships with Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the third/public sector through cutting-edge research.
  • Generate evidence and impact to influence health policies.

Eden Project North is working together with the local voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector, businesses, education providers and other organisations, to create opportunities for residents to plan for the future of Morecambe Bay through the concept of an ‘Eden Lifestyle.’

The education programme fits within the community’s vision and raises questions about what it means to be a Morecambe Bay Citizen.

Our Lancashire brings groups and communities together to make Lancashire a greater place to live work and play. They are supported by public services and organisations across the county. Our Lancashire can help you to find a group to join, an event to attend, or to help you start your own activities.

LACVS is a partnership between independent not-for-profit organisations across the county. They offer help to:

  • Support the volunteering sector.
  • Assist people to form and run VCFSE organisations.
  • Improve wellbeing and find local solutions.
NHS Better Together aims to transform healthcare services, support people to make healthy lifestyle choices, and manage long-term conditions such as diabetes and asthma.
With help from the NHS in partnership with social care and voluntary organisations, local communities are encouraged to live healthier lives.  Click here to read more.

Lancashire Volunteer Partnership was established in 2016. They aim to make volunteering for public services rewarding and to provide opportunities for people to make a real difference in their local communities. By making these opportunities accessible and encouraging collaboration, they believe they can look after volunteers better and encourage them to use their skills for the benefit of communities.