The King’s Award for Voluntary Service

Lancaster has been blessed in recent years with a variety of winners of the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, with organisations such as The Centre @ Halton, Beyond Radio, and others receiving the Award, the organisational equivalent of an MBE, for how their volunteers contribute to our local communities.

With the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen’s Award becomes the King’s Award and the nomination process for the 2024 Awards is fast drawing to a conclusion. All nominations for 2024 must be submitted by 15th September.

Lancaster District CVS has been proud to support the Awards for the last few years, encouraging record numbers of nominations for Lancaster groups, and we can help you to nominate your chosen group, or groups, with the best chance of success.

With just over a week to go now until nominations need to be in, there is no time to waste, but thankfully the nomination process is not especially taxing.

The first thing that you need to know is that you can only nominate a group if you are not involved in the group in any way, so not an employee, volunteer, trustee, or anything else. You must also have a decent knowledge of the organisation and its work; maybe you have supported them for a long time, or perhaps they have helped you or your family in some way. In addition, you’ll need to be able to provide two letters of support from two additional people who know the group well.

The group itself must consist of three or more people and more than half of its members must be volunteers who have right of residence in the UK, and it must have been offering its services to people in the UK or overseas for at least three years.

“The Award recognises excellence in volunteering and previous awardees are great examples of the strong voluntary sector we have in Lancashire,” explains Terry Hephrun, Deputy Lieutenant and Chairman of the Lancashire King’s Award for Voluntary Service Advisory Panel.

With your help we can ensure that even more groups get nominated for the 2024 Awards. Past winners report that receiving the Award has enhanced their reputation, encouraged pride in their volunteers, helped with recruitment and even made a difference to fundraising.