Your Pots 2024

The Pots of Possibility ‘Your Pots’ fund is giving grants of between £5000 and £10,000 to local projects that can help regenerate North Lancashire’s environment and build healthy thriving communities across our district.
Eleven organisations applied for grants this year, and they gathered together with members of the public at The Storey on 16 November for the 2024 Your Pots Your Say Voting Day.
Organisations pitched their project ideas in the ‘Your Pots – Your Say’ marketplace and the audience – that’s you! – voted on who should get the money.
Everyone asking for funding worked with us to make videos about their projects, which you can see on this page.
Once all the votes were counted, seven of the eleven projects were recommended for grants. LDCVS will work each organisation over November and December to gather final information and complete our checks, with a view to issuing grant agreements soon.
West End Impact
Restoring lives through restoring furniture!
Queer By Gum
Sustainable Queer Craft
Deliver sustainable craft workshops and events, building community knowledge about reusing, repurposing and repairing materials, alongside empowering the LGBTQ+ community.
Lancaster Film Initiative
Green Plates
Seasonal Sessions – Creating two videos per season (one recipe, one craft) all themed on reducing waste and living with nature.
Lancaster & Morecambe Repair Cafe
Encourage reuse and repair of everyday items, sharing, learning new skills and increasing knowledge of our social and environmental impact.
A Year in the Making
Support young people’s creative vision, ensuring sustainability is central to their new space, through a year of free workshops.
The Bay: A Blueprint for Recovery
Foraging, Outdoor Cooking & Nature Connection
Foraging workshops and outdoor cooking sessions using nature connection to build community resilience and inspire healthy and sustainable food choices.
More Music
Repair Recycle Remix
Repair donated instruments, share instrument maintenance skills, remake scrap gamelans with repurposed instruments alongside community participants, make new music together
Wise Up Workshops
Creative Saturdays
Creative Saturdays will invite young people to create, learn & grow together using recycled materials & imaginative storytelling,
Tara Centre
Wellbeing Cafe for Asylum Seekers & Refugees
A weekly Wellbeing Cafe for Asylum Seekers and Refugees to foster friendship & connection, distribute surplus food & offer nourishing meals.
The Gregson
Grassroots Sustainable Action!
Grassroots community events to stop things going to landfill and encourage all ages to think about the planet.
West End Players
Theatre for Sustainability, Wellbeing & Joy
Delivering a message through comedy, theatre, music and dance simultaneously improving the health of participants and enriching perceptions of themselves