Information and Advice for the Lancaster District’s Third Sector – 17 November 2022

We are working with the local voluntary and community sector and Lancashire and District-wide partners to support VCFSE organisations and people living in our communities. We encourage you to share this page with others.

An archive of previous editions can be found here.

Click headings below to expand each section.

The Eric Wright Charitable Trust Fund – Deadline Tomorrow
The Eric Wright Charitable Trust’s fund administered by Lancaster District CVS is once again open for applications.

Applying is easy and we would like to encourage all small groups around the Lancaster District to consider whether they could benefit from £500 towards a project.

Grants are awarded to organisations with income under £50,000, providing activities that can make a positive difference to people’s lives.

Deadline: 5pm on Friday 18th November.

Find out more and apply.

If you have any queries about the fund or how to apply, get in touch by email at [email protected] or by ringing CVS on 01524 555900.

Lancaster District Community Wellbeing Fund – Round 3
Community groups have only 2 weeks left to submit applications for the Lancaster District Community Wellbeing Fund third round. Grants of £500 to £2,000 are available to expand activities and reach more people, or to support new projects.

The fund aims to support projects that have a direct impact on physical and mental well-being, for example knit and natter sessions, walking for health groups, or art/crafts-based activities. This upcoming round focusses on those working with the over 55s and the disabled. 

For more information and to apply

McCarthy Stone Foundation Christmas Connections Grant
This Christmas the McCarthy Stone Foundation are awarding £20,000 of funding to organisations with grants available from £250-£1000. The funding programme will go towards supporting grassroots charities and community groups carrying out activities to provide connection and engagement with older people over the Christmas period. The McCarthy Stone vision is a society where older people feel valued, engaged and connected with their community.

Application deadline is the 25th November 2022

Read more about the programme and how to apply

Access to Digital Inclusion Funding with Primary Care Programme
Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System commissioned a pilot programme to support digital inclusion in primary care 2021 to 2022.  They are now looking to extend the project to work with more Voluntary, Community Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) organisations across the region to become digitally enabled.

The deadline for expressions of interest in this programme is the 16th December 2022.

For the expression of interest form click here

Charities Aid Foundation Offering Unrestricted Grants Programme
The Charities Aid Foundation is inviting applications for the Keystone Fund that aim to strengthen the organisational capacity and agility of local and regional charities which address social equity in the UK. The Keystone Fund is a £3 million programme which aims to support not-for-profit groups to:

Adapt their ways of working via digital capability, staff and volunteer training and responding to operational challenges.

Bolster their basic running capabilities via improvements to governance, strategic planning and capacity building.

The deadline to apply is 23 November 2022

For more information on the fund and how to apply

Teacher Development Fund – Deadline Reminder
Groups have two weeks left to apply for Paul Hamlyn Foundation (PHF)’s programme promoting partnership working between arts-based organisations and primary schools in the UK. The fund’s purpose is to help teachers and school leaders to develop the necessary skills, knowledge, confidence and experience to better embed learning through the arts in the curriculum. Around six two-year grants of £150,000 will be awarded to partnerships between of not-for-profit organisations in the arts sector and primary schools and academies working in the state sector.

The deadline for this application is 22 November 2022, 12pm

Learn more and apply

£5m Fund from Ministry of Justice for Youth Sports Projects
The Ministry of Justice has identified new funding to invest in sports programmes across England and Wales that effectively deliver against criminal justice outcomes in the financial year to the end of March 2023. Grants of £20,000 are on offer though smaller amounts may also be available depending on the project.

Projects should involve sports-based activities to engage vulnerable young people at risk of offending across England and Wales.

For further details on the programme and application details

CLA Charitable Trust Announces Application Deadlines for 2023
The CLA Charitable Trust provides one-off grants, typically under £5,500, to small to medium UK registered charities and not for profit organisation with a clear social purpose that access the benefits of the countryside to pursue the health and wellbeing of people and to provide opportunities for education about the countryside in England and Wales.

Priority areas include: Children and young people, disadvantaged financially, physically, mentally, or from areas of deprivation. Applications for running costs, project works and capital works are eligible. Evidence of need should be demonstrated.

The first 2023 deadline for application is 6 February,to be followed by deadlines on 26 April and 31 August.

Learn more about the CLA Charitable Trust and it’s funding

‘Weston Charity Awards’ Open for Northern Charities Seeking Specialist Support
Applications for the Weston Charity Awards 2023 are officially open thanks to a collaboration between The Garfield Weston Foundation and charity partner, Pilotlight.

Now in its ninth year, the Awards offer a unique package of support worth over £22,000 to small charities in the North of England, the Midlands, and Wales. The Awards nurture leadership talent while amplifying a charity’s potential impact.

The application deadline is 6 January 2023

Discover more about the awards and the funding support on offer

Crowdfund Lancashire  & Lancashire Culture and Sport Fund
Join Cllr Peter Buckley, Cabinet member for Community and Cultural Services, and Lancashire County Council’s new crowdfunding partner Spacehive for the launch of this exciting new programme. Crowdfund Lancashire will give local communities a chance to create and support the projects which matter most to them, while enabling everyone to contribute towards their community – chipping in as little as £2 to help bring ideas to life. Lancashire County Council will support eligible projects with a pledge from the new £500,000 Lancashire Culture & Sport Fund (LCSF).

 The Lancashire Culture & Sport Fund (LCSF) is a new initiative to support culture or sport in Lancashire. If project creators have an idea that will improve the culture or sport offer in their local community, they could get up to £20,000 towards your target.

This is the opportunity for communities to have a say in what happens where they live and an opportunity for businesses to show support for their local culture and sport offers.

To attend the launch, register here

ENWL Storm Arwen Community Resilience Fund
Grants are available to groups that are supporting local communities impacted by Storm Arwen in 2021 in the counties of Cumbria, Derbyshire, Lancashire and surrounding areas, to be better prepared for and more resilient to future emergency and/or extreme weather events.

Who can apply?

  • Local volunteer-led organisations
  • Not-for-profit community organisations
  • Local registered charities
  • Parish councils

Applicants must be based in or provide a service to eligible communities, which are defined as those which were off electricity supply for 72 hours or more during Storm Arwen in November 2021 within the postcodes listed here.

More information here

Go direct to application

Lloyd’s of London Foundation Seeking Charity Partnerships
Registered charities in the UK can now apply to the latest grants programme from Lloyd’s of London Foundation, an independent charity founded and funded by Lloyd’s. The scheme offers grants of £25,000 to £50,000 to organisations which can meet some or all of the application criteria.

Grant applications are now open with application deadline on 11 Dec 2022, 23:59pm

Find out more about the fund and application

Social Action Fund for Schools Opens 1 November
Grants are now available to schools in England to support young people to access high quality social action opportunities. The Ormiston Trust is a grant-giving trust that primarily supports schools and organisations that provide direct assistance to children, young people, and families across England.

Application deadline 16 December 2022

More information here

BBC Children in Need Core Costs funding stream launch
BBC Children in need have launched a Core Costs funding stream to support not-for-profit organisations working with children and young people aged 18 or under. Core Costs support essential organisational and administrative spending. These are the key expenses required to keep your organisation running. There is no deadline for funding applications.

Further details can be found here

Comic Relief Community Fund with Groundwork. 
Grants of up to £10,000 are available for community led organisations to deliver projects that can demonstrate how people with lived experience of the issues being tackled are involved in the organisations and the project. Applications must sit within one of four strategic themes – A Safe Place to Be, Children Survive & Thrive, Fighting Gender Justice and Mental Health Matters.

All applications must include a request for up to £1,000 to support capacity building, this would leave a maximum request of £9,000 for project delivery. Projects must be completed within one year of receiving a grant.

Round 2 is currently open for applications and will close on Wednesday 30 November.

Take the eligibility quiz and for application click here

Growing Our Food Futures
FoodFutures are running an open call for micro grant proposals delivering work related to unlocking the 2030 vision identified in the Our Food Futures strategy document.

Projects and organizations that have applied before can apply again, and proposals do not need to be for a new project. This fund seeks to enable and can support ongoing work.

Grants of up to £3,000 are available. Deadline 3 December.

Find out more and apply

Music for All Fund
Funding is currently available for community projects focusing on:

  • setting up or sustaining orchestras in state schools
  • using music to support those with degenerative conditions
  • using electric guitars, acoustic guitars, or bass amps/cabs to support communities in deprived or marginalised areas

Support is also available for disadvantaged individuals in need of electric or acoustic guitars

Closing date 25 November 2022

Find out more and apply

The Elephant Trust
Grants are offered to artists, small arts organisations and galleries across the UK, with the aim of making it possible for artists to undertake and complete projects, leading to new, distinct and imaginative work.

Next deadline 23 January 2023

Find out more and apply

AB Charitable Trust
The Trust aims to defend human rights and promote respect to others, through grants to charities who focus on work around migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, penal reform and human rights.

Grants average between £10,000 and £20,000 to organisations with turnover between £150,000 and £1.5 million.

The next application deadline is 23 January 2023.

Find out more and apply

Sustainable Energy Funding
Crowdfunder and M&S Energy have joined forces to launch the M&S Community Energy Fund.

Up to £5,000 in match funding is available for community projects committed to being environmentally conscious through crowdfunding for ideas such as installing renewable technology or introducing energy efficiency measures in their endeavour to increase energy independence.

Find out more and apply

State of the Social Sector Survey – Cost of Living
NAVCA have been working with Pro Bono Economics and Nottingham Trent University on a State of the Social Sector survey aiming to collect data to be shared with the government, demonstrating the support that voluntary and community sector organisations need to support people through the cost of living crisis. The survey focuses on the cost of living crisis and its impact on the VCSE sector. It aims to gather data to inform Government decisions on extending support for the sector on energy bills and further funding to deliver the additional support you are currently providing…

Follow this link to contribute to the survey

For more information about the survey

Launch of Lancashire & South Cumbria’s VCFSE Assembly
Since January ‘22, information and opinion have been gathered about what is needed in the district, and what works in other areas of England, to embed VCFSE into the governance and decision making of our integrated care system in Lancashire & South Cumbria.

Many have been involved in this journey, unofficially known as “Cohort 3”.  Building on the two workshops earlier this year, which co-produced their vision and values, they are now ready to launch the first part of what will become the Lancashire & South Cumbria ICS – VCFSE Programme.

The first of two sessions will be a virtual session, open to all VCFSE organisations across Lancashire & South Cumbria.  The event will take place on Wed, 30 November 2022, 2-4pm.

For more information and to register for this event

Cyber Security for Charities
Cyber attacks can be devastating financially and reputationally, but many charities don’t realise how vulnerable they are to the threat. A recent Third Sector and NCSC survey with over 120 charities revealed only half are fully aware of the potential consequences of a cyber attack, leaving the other half open to emerging threats. Alarmingly, one in 10 said it’s not even on the boardroom agenda, and one in five said not a single employee was trained to identify a cyber attack.

Third Sector provide a guide that gives you an inside look into the current cyber threats that charities face, how to spot a cyber attack and how to get buy-in from the board to invest in cyber security.

Learn more about how to protect your charity from Cyber crime

Cranfield Trust FREE Telephone Support
Cranfield Trust is offering free telephone support in addition to their usual consultancy and mentoring, to provide one-off and immediate management support to charity leaders as they face the challenges at this time.

Telephone calls of approx. 30-45 minutes are pre-booked to capture information about the charity and the nature of the issue, and Cranfield Trust will then match a volunteer with the relevant skill set to the charity to provide the clarity and confidence they need to take the issue forward.

The service is free of charge for eligible social welfare charities and can be accessed through the Trust’s website.

Stuart Andrew MP – New Minister for Civil Society
Rt Hon Stuart Andrew MP is the new minister for Civil Society (including Loneliness) and Youth. This sits alongside responsibility for Sport and Tourism, as well as a pan-government Equalities brief.

 More details here

Lancaster BID Christmas Toy Appeal
Teaming up with Joe’s Clothes, Helping Heart for Ukraine, the Children’s Ward at RLI and Unique Kidz and Co, Lancaster BID is appealing to the public and business community to donate new or nearly new toys to those children that really need them this Christmas.

Find out more about the appeal

Regenerative resilience and the role of communities
With the launch of a new report for Local Trust, Towards Regenerative Resilience, James Goodman, the Trust’s director of partnerships and learning, explores why building well-prepared, resilient communities is essential in an age of permanent crisis.

How to make recruitment disability inclusive
You want to attract brilliant candidates to your charity. Yet common recruitment practices put up barriers that stop all kinds of talented people from learning about, considering, or applying to join your team

Discover great inclusivity strategies in this Charity Digital article.

Call for activities and resources in libraries this winter
Lancashire County Council has plans to make use of its 64 Libraries, promoting them as warm and welcoming spaces this winter. As part of the first stage of this offer, one Library per Lancashire District (in our case Morecambe) will be offering a programme of engaging and inclusive daytime events, activities and self-care packs.

The Council are keen to hear from appropriate organisations who can help them deliver across some/all of the twelve Libraries, aimed at supporting residents with key issues relating to the cost-of-living such as food (e.g. cooking healthy food on a budget), fuel (e.g. energy efficiency measures) and debt/money management (e.g. budgeting).

Other libraries involved are Accrington, Burnley, Chorley, Clitheroe, Fleetwood, Ingol, Leyland, Nelson, Rawtenstall, Skelmersdale and St Anne’s.

If you feel that you would able to deliver an activity/event or provide self-care resources, please email [email protected]

Giving Talents Global Volunteering Hour
A global network of charities, NGO’s and Not for Profit groups are developing a global volunteering hour that is due to take place on Tuesday 29th November between 1pm and 2pm.

This is the first year and they’re aiming to get 500,000 people across the globe signed up to the project to commit 1 hour of their time on the 29th November between 1pm and 2pm, to be generous and spread some kindness across their community.

It could be sharing some time with a neighbour, making a cup of tea and taking an hour out with someone you never really get the chance to catch up with, donating an hour to a local charity or good cause . . . it really could be anything that demonstrates generosity of spirit, time, skills etc, the choice is entirely up to you!

The CVS team will be signing up, and it would be fantastic to see Lancaster district represented on a global level, showing the world just what a kind and considerate city we are.

Find out more here

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022
The estimated one billion people living with disabilities worldwide regularly face barriers to inclusion in many key aspects of society. As a result, people with disabilities do not enjoy access to society on an equal basis with others. This includes challenges in employment, travel and education as well as social and political participation. International Day of Persons with Disabilities falls on the 3rd of December each year, with the aim of promoting empowerment, and helping to create real opportunities for people with disabilities.

Read more on this important day

Lift up your everyday with OT Life Hacks
Lift up your everyday with OT Life Hacks, a public health campaign from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists is designed to help people take small, positive steps to improve their health and wellbeing. The advice is being given by occupational therapists in the form of life hacks: easy-to-follow ideas to help people make changes in their life which can help them do the things they love and need to do. 

Occupational therapists from around the country will share their ideas for ways we can all improve our mental and physical health in videos or posts on social media, which can be found using #OThacks.

Find out more about OT Life Hacks

Lung Cancer Specialists Give Advice – National Awareness Month
The Lung Cancer team at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) is shining the spotlight on the causes of lung cancer as part of a national awareness month.  Lung cancer is one of the most common and serious types of cancer. Nationally, around 47,000 people are diagnosed with lung cancer every year.  Smoking cigarettes is the single biggest risk factor for lung cancer and it is responsible for more than 70% of cases. Melissa Doherty, Lung Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist at UHMBT, says that quitting smoking is the best way of reducing your risk of getting lung cancer. 

Melissa says “There is a lot of support out there for people to help them to quit smoking, including Quit Squad in Lancashire and in Cumbria selected pharmacies offer one-to-one Stop Smoking Services and people can also access support through their GPs.”

You can find out more about lung cancer at the NHS website here

For cessation clinics in Lancashire click here

The Great Winter Get Together – Jo Cox Foundation

Each January the Great Winter Get Together brings together communities to alleviate loneliness, inspired by the late Jo Cox MP and her advocacy on this issue. Starting on so-called ‘Blue Monday’ – 16 January 2023 – the Jo Cox Foundation is encouraging people to create and advertise local places for events where those who may be feeling lonely can go to form meaningful connections with others. Loneliness is a hidden epidemic across the UK. 5% of adults feel chronically (always or often) lonely and 45% of people sometimes feel lonely. Despite common assumptions, young people are actually the worst affected, with 15% of 10 – 25 year olds being chronically lonely. The cost of living crisis may exacerbate this by making it difficult for many of us to go along to our usual social activities.

This year, more than ever, the Great Winter Get Together will be vital. The Jo Cox Foundation want to both raise the issues of loneliness and ensure that there is a place for connection available in every community in the UK. This could be anything; a existing, regular event or one which is being specifically held for the Great Winter Get Together; a walk, a zoom call or a coffee morning… anywhere people can connect! They’ll be advertising the events on their website and directing people to them throughout the campaign. They would love your community to be involved!

You can register your event, access our resources and find out more here

Warm Hubs in the Lancaster District
Lancaster City Council have published information about places opening their doors to provide warmth, information and advice over the coming months.

This resource will be updated as more locations announce their plans.

View a list of locations, hours and provision here, or see a map of locations here.

The Growing Club’s Wellbeing Day
Join the Growing Club for a supportive morning exploring together what women need to enable them to keep their teams and communities buoyant during this difficult time.

16 November, 9:30am to 2:30pm, The Storey

Book your place by emailing [email protected]

New vaccine marketing campaign
A new country-wide marketing campaign urging millions of eligible people to get their flu and COVID-19 booster vaccines to top up their immunity has launched.

Targeted communications for individuals with long term health conditions, pregnant women and ethnic minority communities, with a particular focus on those with low vaccine confidence, will also appear, and will include examples of where vaccine uptake rates have been low in the past.

Download the UK Health Security Agency’s communications support and stakeholder pack here

Health and Care Reform Timeline
Local government and the NHS are engaged in an extensive agenda of health and care reforms.

The Local Government Association has commissioned a digital version of the timeline of policy reforms, split by theme, that sets out the major pillars of reform with key deliverables. The Department of Health and Social Care, Care Quality Commission and Health Education England, amongst others, have helped produce this timeline.

The LGA would like to invite your feedback on this tool; how useful it is in local forward planning; how helpfully it is laid out; and whether the level of detail is right.

Please send feedback to [email protected]

Free Period UK support and information sessions
This support group provides information, awareness and a safe space to share and explore issues around menstrual health.

Meeting on Mondays, 10am, at Stanleys Community Centre, Morecambe, there is group discussion and 1-to-1 support around heavy periods, Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Fibroids, Menopause and other conditions.

Mindset & Mindfulness for 16-25 Year Olds
The Prince’s Trust have an amazing opportunity to develop a mindset with an understanding of the psychology, science and mindfulness techniques.  The programme is for 16-25 year olds and provides the chance to:

  • Develop your confidence and goal setting
  • Learn daily actionable steps for a positive momentum
  • Identify and begin to dissolve self-limiting beliefs
  • Create and refine a growth mindset
  • Body language, rapport building skills and more

Learn Mindfulness and meditation techniques

  • To help deal with anxiety and stress
  • Develop a calmer mind and greater mental clarity

View the event e-flyer here

To apply contact [email protected] or call 07931 614736.

Walk with Us Toolkit – A Resource for those Bereaved by Suicide
CHILYPEP (Children and Young People’s Empowerment Project) and NHS South Yorkshire have recently released a wonderfully engaging resource for children, young people and families bereaved by suicide.

You can download a copy here

Young Citizen Awards 2023
Do you know a young person, aged 19 or under, who has made a difference in their local community? Want to see them receive special recognition for doing something exceptional? 

The High Sheriff of Lancashire is looking for your help to find the county’s most deserving youngsters for the 2023 Lancashire Young Citizen of the Year award .

The winner will receive £500 along with a specially commissioned trophy and certificate from the High Sheriff and Chief Constable Chris Rowley. Two runners up will also receive £100 and a certificate.

Nominate someone you know today!

Santa’s Crafthouse
Lancashire Adult Learning are offering family learning opportunities focused on craft skills to make fun and exciting decorations for Christmas or winter celebrations.

To discuss hosting sessions in your community, contact Tamima at [email protected] or telephone 07467 487360.

Introduction to Safeguarding Training
LDCVS and Lancashire Adult Learning are offering a free training course, aimed at supporting people who require further knowledge about safeguarding. This could be for a volunteer role or job, or it could be for personal development.

15 November, 9:30am – 12 noon at the Cornerstone or 22 November, 6pm – 8:30pm online.

Find out more here

Oxford Archaeology North evaluation of educational resources
Oxford Archaeology’s Lancaster office and National Highways are working on an exciting new project ‘Archaeology Legacy’, to evaluate existing educational resources and design a new, digitally innovative educational package. The project aims to connect young people with the archaeology on their doorstep and bring their studies alive through the wonder of archaeological discovery.

They want to hear from educators of under 18s in any context – be that school or work, youth groups or home education – to help them design a resource package that’s truly fit for purpose. Find out more and take part in the survey here.

Oxford Archaeology are also hosting some focus groups to explore the topic in more detail. If you are interested please contact Clem and Jess at [email protected]

Campaign for Learning Family Learning Conference

Family Learning in the Early Years: First Steps to a Fairer Future
This online conference will give delegates opportunities to:
  • Understand the impact covid has had on increasing inequalities and what you can do within your organisation to address this.
  • Discover creative and effective early years initiatives that will engage new learners or family audiences.
  • Gain a richer understanding of how you can expand your curriculum or learning offer to support children in your community to be school ready.
Speakers and workshop leaders include representatives of NESTA, Children North East, NCFE, and National Children’s Bureau among many others.
24 November, 9:30am – 2pm, online
The Bay: A Blueprint for Recovery Nature & Wellbeing Sessions 
The Bay are offering a 6-week after-school programme of Nature & Wellbeing sessions for 11-18 year olds. The weekly sessions, held on a Thursday 4-6pm at Lancaster Maritime Museum, will help young people to improve their wellbeing while getting creative, learning about and taking action to protect the fantastic wildlife of Morecambe Bay. 
To book a space please complete the online referral form or for more information contact Alex[email protected] / 07884 605256

Co-operation St & The Art of Co-operation Heritage Project Exhibitions
The Good Things Collective CIC are hosting a double exhibition event celebrating and culminating the Cooperation St project and the Art of Co-operation at the Good Things Studio.

The Co-operation St Heritage Project Exhibition at Morecambe Heritage Centre

Sharing their findings and discoveries looking into the heritage of Morecambe’s West End, the Centenary building and the role of the Cooperative Society in Morecambe.

The Art of Co-operation at the Good Things Studio

An exhibition of artworks made by local people in response to the Co-operation St. Heritage project.

The exhibition will take place on Saturday 26th November, 12pm-3pm.

Visit their Facebook event page here

Christmas Craft Fair at The Centre Halton
The Centre at Halton will be holding a Christmas Craft Fair on Saturday 26th November from 1pm to 5pm. Its £1 for adult entry and children are free. There will be a festive selection of artisan stalls, christmas gifts, seasonal refreshments and activities for children as well as a raffle to win prizes donated by stall holders. The Coffee Shop will be open as usual for refreshments and homemade cakes.

View the event page here 

Lancaster District Against Gender-Based Violence
This year’s 16 Days of Activism are sharing a series of events in the Lancaster District to bring awareness to gender-based violence. The events will take place throughout November and December in a variety of venues including The Dukes Theatre, Plinth, Market Square, Lancaster Uni, Dalton Square and The Gregson Centre.

Click here for the events calendar

Find out more about 16 Days of Activism here

Galloways Visual Impairment Awareness Training
Galloways are providing a visual impairment awareness training course which aims to provide a greater understanding of sight loss and how it may affect an individual. You will learn practical ways to support someone affected by sight loss which can be applied and shared in your everyday life. This course will also benefit organisations who wish to improve their customer/visitor’s experience for those with a visual impairment.

For more information contact Galloways on 01772 744148 or email [email protected]

Closing Loops World Café Caton
FoodFutures are hosting an evening of great food and conversation to celebrate the launch of Closing Loops, a new climate action project.  Join the team at the Victoria Institute, Caton on 19 November 2022 for a sharing of ideas around growing, cooking and eating seasonal food, composting and reimagining a circular and regenerative local economy.

More information on this event

Lancashire Adult Learning Training Courses
Lancashire Adult Learning have some exciting courses available for enrolment now – please see below for more details. Courses are free to learners who are aged 19+, living in Lancashire and who are on active benefits, unemployed or earning under £18,525pa.

Lancashire Day 2022

Lancashire Day is November 27th and Lancashire has been celebrating this day since 1295. Join them for one of our FREE online sessions to celebrate everything Lancashire on: Tuesday 22nd November, 18:30 – 20:30. Wednesday 23rd November, 14:00 – 16:00.

Find out more here

Health & Social Care Work Ready Programme

Looking for work in Social Care? This course will provide you with knowledge and skills to ensure you are work ready! Guaranteed interviews with a range of employers with various vacancies available.

This fantastic opportunity with Lancashire Adult Learning starts week commencing Monday 14th November based at their innovative Hub at The Waterside Centre, Accrington. No experience necessary. Enquire at [email protected]

View their course e-flyer here

Health and Safety in Construction Programme

This course is aimed at individuals who require a CSCS labouring card to get a job within the construction industry but don’t currently have the required qualifications. On successful completion of the course you will gain two accredited certificates and a score report. Enquiries to [email protected] / 01254 354423

View their course e-flyer here

‘ON THE GO’ CPD Accredited Training Modules for ‘Suicide Bereavement’
Suicide Bereavement UK have launched a series of online modules for bespoke programmes tailored to your organisational and professional requirements. The organisations ‘On the Go‘ training modules in suicide bereavement are offered at both Level 1 and Level 2.

Learn more and how to sign up

Festive Fun Run
Lancaster & Morecambe AC is organising its popular Christmas 4k Festive Fun Run from the clubhouse on the athletics track at Salt Ayre Leisure Centre, near Lancaster (LA1 5JS) again this year, on Wednesday December 28th at 11am. It is aimed at families and fun runners as well as more regular competitors.  There will be a great atmosphere and a super festive medal for all finishers. All runners are very welcome to run in fancy dress.

Any queries contact Steve Perry via email: [email protected]

For further event information click here

The Bay – A Blueprint for Recovery After School Sessions at the Maritime
The Bay: A Blueprint for Recovery are running a FREE 6 week programme of Nature & Wellbeing sessions for 11-18 year olds starting this week at the Lancaster Maritime Museum! Spaces are limited so time is of the essence. 

Contact Alex: [email protected] or fill out a referral form to sign up:

View their programme e-leafet

Prop Up Project Clothes Swap
The Prop Up Project are holding a clothes swap not for profit event on Friday 18th November from 7.30pm – 11.00pm.  The event is an eco-friendly sustainable way to update your wardrobe and help raise money for Prop Up Project & Socialisease, safe spaces for those 13+ with mental health & life challenges. Tickets are £10 and include; the chance to swap your items of quality clothing and accessories for something new in time for Christmas, a raffle ticket and nibbles. 

The event will take place at Morecambe Cricket Club, The Club House, New Pavillion, Woodhouse Lane, LA4 4NL.

Find out more here

Lancaster Steiner School Winter Fair
Lancaster Steiner School is hosting its Winter Fair on Sunday, 4th December from 11am-4pm. Come along for delicious home-made foods, children’s crafts, face painting, story-telling, music, a variety of local craft stalls and, most importantly, our magical and enchanting Winter Fairy Grotto. Free entry, and a warm welcome guaranteed!

Find out more here

Headway Festive Lunch with Masterchef Winner Tom Rhodes
The charity organisation Headway, a voluntary organisation supporting brain injury survivors, have organised a festive lunch this Christmas with the Masterchef winner of 2021, Tom Rhodes. The funds from the event go to support this important charity. Why not treat your team this Christmas and join them at Lancaster House Hotel on Monday 5th December for a taste of Christmas.

More information here

Dedicated Desks & Office Space Available in Central Morecambe
A number of dedicated desks (and a small number of dedicated offices) are available for immediate lease at 3 Northumberland Street, Morecambe. Dedicated desks start from £250 per month (sharing with a maximum of 3 others) and dedicated offices from £400 per month – all prices include VAT and ALL bills (including power). Lease length starts at 2 months and can be as long as you need. 24 /7 access is included, with additional storage by negotiation.

There are a range of meeting rooms on site (from 1:1 rooms approx 10m2 up to our light and airy breakout space of 45m2 and dedicated training space of 55m2) with preferential rates for building users.

For more information and to view images of the space follow this link

Or contact Tigger to arrange a viewing – [email protected] / 07367 064945

CancerCare’s annual Santa Dash
Families are being invited to don their festive finery and make some memories by joining CancerCare’s Santa Dash fun run in Morecambe and Lancaster this Christmas.

The Santa Dash is one of the charity’s flagship events which each year raises thousands of pounds to enable it to provide professional therapy and support to people affected by cancer and bereavement from its centres in Barrow, Kendal, Lancaster, and Morecambe.

This year’s Lancaster event will take place on Sunday 27 November at Cheapside starting at 1.30pm while the Morecambe run, from the Morecambe Sailing Club Hut to the Midland Hotel, will take place on Sunday 4 December at 11am.

Entry is £6pp or £20 for a family of four.

Find out more and book here

Digital skills training from Reason Digital
Four free e-learning courses are currently on offer for third sector organisations via Reason Digital:

  • Mobilising supporters: Through the power of storytelling, personalisation, data, and more, you can deliver a truly empowering journey for your supporters. In turn, your engaged supporters can deliver massive value to your organisation.
  • Digital strategy for charities: how to approach and get the most out of your charity digital strategy.
  • Digital fundraising: how to make the most out of online donations, including practical tips and strategies.
  • Creating engaging content: how to create inspiring, impactful, and engaging content for your charity.

Find out more and access courses here

Tackling Homelessness Digital Conference
Westminster Insight’s conference will share guidance and evidence-based strategies that services can implement to improve outcomes for people sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness.

Sessions include a focus on multi-agency partnerships, alternative housing solutions, young people and care leavers, and building resilient staff networks.

25 January, 9am – 1:30pm

Find out more and book tickets

FarmStart 2023 Training Programme
LESS, The Plot and FoodFutures are opening applications for the 2023 FarmStart training programme. This hands-on 40-week programme is aimed at people who would like to play an active role in setting up new food growing enterprises around North Lancashire.

FarmStart is a year-long programme where you spend two days a week working with an experienced grower across two sites. In addition, a dedicated training and mentoring programme covers both the horticultural skills and business skills needed to set up and run a small-scale market garden to hopefully tool you up for your own local project in the future.

Find out how to book a taster session, complete a FarmStart application, and learn more about why local food is important at the FoodFutures website.

Carbon Literacy Workshops – create your carbon reduction action plan
SDG Changemakers are working with the Carbon Literacy Project to support small/medium enterprises and social entrepreneurs in understanding and reducing carbon emissions, saving money while doing so, and ultimately becoming more resilient and sustainable.

The workshops take place over two sessions and delegates should attend both.

Workshops for SMEs and social entrepreneurs

Workshops for social housing providers
Mornings of 23/34 November (attend both) – book here

Introduction to Safeguarding Training
LDCVS and Lancashire Adult Learning are offering a free training course, aimed at supporting people who require further knowledge about safeguarding. This could be for a volunteer role or job, or it could be for personal development.

22 November, 6pm – 8:30pm online.

Find out more here

Conference: How can we help save the rainforest?
Lancaster University Environment Centre and Halton Mill host this free event at the Storey on 19 and 20 November.

Speakers include activists working in the Amazon, film-makers, journalists, and academics.

Find out more here

Maths, English and ESOL Courses at the Cornerstone
Lancashire Adult Learning are offering maths, English, and English to Speakers of Other Languages courses at the Cornerstone, Lancaster.

To find out more about ESOL, contact Dora on 07387 103250

To find out more about maths and English classes, contact Sarah on 07786 197172

Future of Fundraising Conference
This event from the Chartered Institute of Fundraising Events focuses on engaging supporters, growing income, using new digital tools, and measuring impact

17 November, 9am – 5pm, London

Find out more here

CharityComms 2022 Digital Conference
The conference offers leading speakers from the national sector, exploring the latest trends to help charities thrive in the digital environment.

Themes include leadership, marketing and PR, social media, data and analytics, and websites.

16 & 17 November, 9:30am – 2:30pm, online

Find out more here.

Christians Against Poverty Budgeting Course
The FREE CAP Money Course is for anyone who would like to have more control over your finances.

Friendly, informal sessions include pointers for setting a budget sticking to it, and provides a useful free online tool to help track what you spend your money on, helping to save money and stay out of debt for a secure financial future.

The course takes place in Morecambe or Carnforth.

Find out more and register interest by emailing [email protected]

Closing Loops Launch Events
World Cafe launch events for the FoodFutures network project Closing Loops continue across the district after a very successful event at the Gregson Centre.

The project aims to transform waste into a valuable resource whilst cultivating a circular and regenerative local economy. Activities which will be delivered include starting a composting academy, creating a gleaning network, nurturing a citizen journalist movement, and co-creation of North Lancashire recipes.

Come along to a local launch event to find out more and discuss your ideas:

The Victoria Institute, Caton – 19th November – Register here

All events start at 5:45pm, followed by food served from 7:30pm

Read more about the World Cafes and the Closing Loops project

Shop Manager with Scope
Scope are recruiting a Shop Manager to manage their charity shop in Windermere. As Shop Manager you’ll have autonomy to run your shop using creativity and flair to flourish in their retail environment. The post holder will be required to undertake numerous tasks from generating and processing stock to designing an eye-catching window display or recruiting and training their volunteer team.

Salary: £19,500 per year with an additional market supplement of £1,000
Contract: 35 hours per week, Full-time
Location: Windermere, Cumbria
Closing Date: 28 November 2022

Find out more and apply

Support Team Role – National Youth Orchestra
The NYO Support Team plays a key role in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all of the young people who attend the NYO projects. The NYO are looking for candidates who have experience working with a wide range of young people, particularly interested in candidates who work in the youth-work / youth-support sector. They are also considering candidates who work within the performing arts sector. Applications are particularly welcome from people from Black, Asian and ethnically diverse backgrounds, and those who identify as d/Deaf or disabled.

Salary: £100-115 per day
Contract: Part-time, temporary, freelance
Location: All around the UK/Travel costs reimbursed
Closing Date: 30 November 2022

Learn more about this role and apply

Volunteer Coordinator – Let’s BeFriends
Let’s BeFriends are seeking a Volunteer Coordinator to assist the Project Coordinator with a focus on supervising and supporting their team of volunteers. Being passionate that everyone deserves a safe, adequate and affordable home is a foundational principle. Awareness of the complexity of needs of their beneficiaries is essential, as is being driven to find holistic solutions.

Salary: £16 hours per week @ 12.60 per hour
Contract: Self-employed role with an initial 12-month contract / Flexible hours
Location: Lancaster & Morecambe
Closing Date: Tuesday 13th December 2022, 11:59pm

Find out more here

Trustee Posts with More Music in Morecambe
More Music in Morecambe are seeking three new Trustees to join their board of directors to develop the organisation and to strengthen and diversify the team. 

As a board member you will be part of a team providing creative opportunities for thousands of participants, artists and musicians engaging with More Music’s innovative programme of workshops and events. 

Location: Morecambe
Closing Date: 16th December 2022

Find out more and apply

Network Coordinator – Let’s BeFriends
Let’s BeFriends are also looking to recruit a Network Coordinator as part of their team expansion plans.  The post holder will be required to lead on planning and organising recruitment campaigns and implement initiatives to attract new volunteers. The post holder will be expected to network, build and maintain relationships with various organisations to aid the sustainability of recruitment.

Salary: £16 hours per week @ 12.60 per hour
Contract: Self-employed role with an initial 12-month contract / Flexible hours
Location: Lancaster & Morecambe
Closing Date: Tuesday 13th December 2022, 11:59pm

Find out more here

Claremont Community & Centre Coordinator
Claremont Park Community Centre are looking for an enthusastic and community focused Community & Centre Coordinator to support the development of our Community centre and outreach activities. With a commitment to asset-based working, experience in writing successful funding applications and some project delivery and facilities management knowledge, you will support our Board of Trustees to ensure our centre meets the changing needs of our community.

Salary: £25,306 – £30,928 pa
Contract: One year, extension subject to additional funding, Full-time
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
Closing Date: 20 November 2022

Find out more and apply

Financial Controller – Growing Well
Growing Well are seeking a Financial Controller to join their team during a period of significant growth. The mental health charity are investing in transforming their financial management operations and governance. Applicants must be organised and highly numerate with an eye for the detail and great communication skills. An aptitude for spreadsheet modelling, and an understanding of when and how to use them effectively is essential.

Find out more and apply

Activities and Volunteering Manager at UCLan Student Union
The manager oversees the Union’s sports, societies, and volunteering activities and the Welcome Point. They are responsible for providing leadership and vision for the Activities department, leading on volunteering projects and initiatives, and for the delivery of Activities officer projects

This is a maternity cover position.

Salary: £30,574 per annum
Contract: Full time, 12 month contract
Location: Preston
Closing date: 18 November 2022

Find out more and apply

Caseworker at Victim Support
Focusing on victims of domestic abuse, the Caseworker will provide a pro-active, short to medium term crisis intervention service, through individual safety planning, advocacy, emotional and practical support.

Salary: £23,072 per annum
Contract: Full time, fixed term to 31 March 2025
Location: Blackpool (hybrid working offered after end of probation period)
Closing date: 14 November 2022

Find out more and apply

If your organisation needs support whether it be working with volunteers, completing accounts and payroll, finding funding, solving governance issues, or just want a listening ear, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team:

Funding and governance support, contact [email protected]

Volunteering and upskilling your workforce, contact [email protected]

Payroll, bookkeeping and independent examinations, contact [email protected]

Health and social prescribing, contact [email protected]

Children and young people, contact [email protected]

Membership queries to: [email protected]

Partnerships, networks and strategic development, contact [email protected]

Alternatively, call us on 01524 555900

To promote your events, training, jobs, and sector news, email [email protected]