Volunteering for wellbeing has been at the forefront of our minds this week at the Volunteer Centre. Partly this is due to preparing for the Health Festival (which has just begun at time of writing), but partly it is also…
Do you ever talk to people with a completely different life experience to your own? We tend to find our bubbles and stay inside them, which can be comforting but disconnecting. The UK has such a broad, deep society and…
We are seeing more and more electric vehicles on our streets, but one of the challenges to owning an electric vehicle is finding a chargepoint, and indeed the lack of chargeoints is seen by many as a barrier to moving…
Volunteering is about making a difference. That difference can be big or small, it can be for one person, or whole communities, whether connected by geography of experience, and it can also make a difference to the person volunteering. Some…
Each April 22nd over 1 billion people across the planet come together for Earth Day, to highlight initiatives aimed at environmental protection and to encourage people to learn and understand more about why such things are needed. Lancaster has a…
The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service was created in 2002, for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, and each year since then volunteers across the country have been recognised and celebrated for their invaluable contributions to their local communities. It seems fitting…
In March 2020, Hope Church in Lancaster set up a project to connect people in need with a volunteer. The intention was to help people who were isolating because of increased vulnerability to Coronavirus to stay connected and ensure that…
This week the Prime Minister announced the end of all COVID restrictions in England and other changes, including the imminent end to free testing. Since the start of the pandemic, the voluntary sector has worked closely with partners to ensure…
Morecambe Homeless Action was set up over 20 years ago to try and provide relief for the many people facing homelessness in and around Morecambe, but a recent shortage of volunteers meant that for the first time since they began,…
The pandemic and all of the accompanying rules and restrictions have had an enormous impact on all of us, but especially those who were already struggling with illness, disability, or any number of other life pressures. Prior to March 2020,…