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Who volunteers in the Lancaster District?

Nearly a year ago we launched our new website, which included an online volunteering portal, giving local volunteer involving organisations the chance to upload their current roles, and allowing local people to find and apply for new opportunities. An additional…

The Impact of Volunteering

There is no part of life in the UK, private or public, that is untouched or unsupported by volunteers. Often those volunteers are the grease to the wheels, ensuring that things run smoothly, while at other times they are the…

New Start September

September often feels like the year is beginning to wind down, as the nights draw in and daylight wanes. But September is also about new starts, with kids returning to, or starting, school and college, new students arriving for university,…

Community Befrienders

ICANN stands for Independent Community Advocacy Network North and is an advocacy service based in Preston that delivers a range of projects across Lancashire, providing professional and experienced advocacy support to the most vulnerable in our local communities. Like many…

Volunteering for Wellbeing

Volunteering for wellbeing has been at the forefront of our minds this week at the Volunteer Centre. Partly this is due to preparing for the Health Festival (which has just begun at time of writing), but partly it is also…