Volunteer Recruitment Fair at Lancaster Library

In our last column we talked about our planned volunteer recruitment events, the first of which took place on Monday at The Arndale Centre in Morecambe .

It was a great success, with over 20 different volunteer-involving organisations represented. Between them they spoke with hundreds of people about volunteering, as well as the activities and services that they offer, and we would love for you to help us make our next event in Lancaster just as exciting.

Pop along to Lancaster Library on Thursday 23rd February between 10.30am and 1.30pm to talk to local groups about how you can get involved to support our communities.

Perhaps it isn’t you that is looking for volunteering opportunities, maybe you know someone who would appreciate the chance to find out about what is available in the city. Please tell them! Or better still bring them along with you.

We’ll all be in the upstairs room of the library, the Sanctuary, from 10.30 on that day, with all kinds of activities represented from projects supporting mental and physical wellbeing, to luncheon clubs, to supporting people to be more energy efficient.

You might want to improve your CV because you’re looking for work, or a change of job, or maybe you have some spare time and want to help others. Everyone has a different reason for wanting to volunteer and everyone can get something different from doing it.

We know that you have an insatiable appetite to help others. We know because you tell us! We want to connect you with opportunities to put those good intentions to best use and we hope that our event in a couple of weeks will provide the chance to do just that.

It isn’t always easy to just have a chat with someone from an organisation about what they need and how you can help, but on 23rd February all you’ll need to do is go into the library on Market Square. There is no commitment, you can simply get information, and if you decide to take your interest further you’ll be able to find out how.

We really hope to see you there!