Find out about volunteering at our recruitment events

2023 is shaping up to be a good year for volunteers and volunteering, what with the Big Help over the Coronation weekend and special Bank Holiday on 8th May, the BBC’s Make a Difference Awards, and not to mention our very own Lancaster District CVS Volunteer Achievement Awards! But it all kicks off in Morecambe with the first of our Volunteer Recruitment events.

Often, one of the barriers to people getting involved in volunteering can be a lack of awareness of what’s available, as well as what would be expected of them should they become a volunteer.

Face to face events such as this offer an excellent opportunity to overcome those barriers, and can work in a much more effective way than, say, visiting a website.

We would like to invite you to join us at the Arndale Centre in Morecambe between 10.30am and 1.30pm on Monday 6th February, where you will be able to speak to representatives of various local volunteer-involving organisations about what they need and how you can get involved.

As well as organisations such as Galloway’s, Wise Up Workshops CIC, and our local NHS, staff from our own Volunteer Centre will be on hand to answer your questions and offer wider ranging advice and support, representing the dozens of organisations that cannot be there in person on the day. We are expecting between 15 and 20 local organisation to attend.

These organisations will also be able to signpost you for support, as a service user, if you need help rather than a volunteering opportunity.

We have a similar event scheduled at the same times on Thursday 23rd February, at Lancaster Library, featuring a different group of organisations, and you are welcome to attend one, or both!

If you know someone who you think might be interested in coming along, please do tell them about it. There is no need to book, simply turn up between the stated hours and chat to the groups that are there. And if you find something that you want to volunteer for, you may even be able to sign up then and there!

We look forward to seeing you!