Up to £5,000 for cost of living projects – but act quickly!

In partnership with Lancaster City Council, LDCVS is working to distribute money from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund as grants to organisations running projects which help households address the continuing cost of living crisis.

Community organisations can apply for up to £5,000 for any type of project which focuses on helping people with cost of living issues. This could be running a warm and welcoming space, providing hot meals, helping with energy efficiency education, or something else entirely.

As well as the direct costs of delivering your activities, you can apply for a portion of core costs as they relate to your project, capital items, and energy efficiency measures for your own buildings linked to your ability to deliver.

Find out more, download full information and guidance, and apply here

Successful applicants will also work with Green Rose CIC to provide and promote a free energy advice and information session in their community, including the distribution of free energy saving “small measures”. While Green Rose are separately funded for their costs in delivering these sessions, applicants are welcome to include their own direct expenses relating to this provision in their project budget.

If you have any questions about this fund, please do contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone on 01524 555900