SSAFA Make a Difference for Veterans

This week we look at a new volunteering opportunity with the oldest armed forces support charity in the UK, SSAFA. Founded in 1885 as the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Families Association, SSAFA supports the armed forces community in a variety of ways, but with a focus on direct physical or emotional care.

Many people are aware of charities like the Royal British Legion or Help for Heroes, but despite being the oldest of these organisations SSAFA is often unknown, or people might have heard of them but don’t really know what they do.

From addiction issues to relationship breakdowns, from debt and homelessness to PTSD and disability, veterans and serving personnel, and their families, face many challenges. SSAFA is there to support them and one way in which it does so is through recruiting local volunteers to support local people in need.

According to the last census Lancaster district is home to over 5,500 veterans, not to mention service personnel and their families, and many of these people would appreciate the support that SSAFA can offer. The charity is currently looking for volunteer case workers, caring and capable people who will visit clients to work out what type of support they need. As a volunteer caseworker you will listen without judgement to assess and provide tailored support to help those serving, who have served, and their families to navigate life in and beyond military service.

Some examples of support are securing funding for special equipment for someone with a disability; adaptions to a property so an older client can remain at home; or funds for a rental deposit. Caseworkers also sign-post clients on to specialist local services for advice on benefits, housing, mental health, debt, finding work etc.

Because caseworkers visit clients in their own homes, you’ll need to be able to get around. This doesn’t mean that you need a car, but you will be required to travel around the areas. And although there may be office space available at a local SSAFA hub, ideally you’ll have access to IT equipment and the internet at home, so that you can do the admin side of the role satisfactorily.

So if you’re keen to make a real difference for people who have served our country in one of our armed forces, apply via our website, or you can contact SSAFFA’s Volunteer Experience Team at [email protected]