Information and Advice for the Lancaster District’s Third Sector – 29 September 2022

We are working with the local voluntary and community sector and Lancashire and District-wide partners to support VCFSE organisations and people living in our communities. We encourage you to share this page with others.

An archive of previous editions can be found here.

Click headings below to expand each section.

Financial Crisis and Energy Cost Survey
We are aware that some groups and organisations which rent or own premises are seeing a large increase in their energy bills and in their operational costs.

If your group/organisation supports people across Lancaster District, we would like to hear your experience of rising costs and how this is affecting your services by completing our short survey.

We know that many of you are already seeing increased service user demand due to the overall financial crisis.

Through this short anonymous survey, your help will help us to gather local evidence to assist us in raising awareness of the growing financial pressures. This collective evidence will help us to:

  • To understand your needs so we can help support you better.
  • Ask local and national funders how they intend to respond to support rising costs.
  • Feed into local strategic meetings to ensure the sector situation is understood.
  • Back up campaign work alongside other local and national infrastructure organisations.
  • Lobby central government.

This survey will remain open for responses until Friday 30th September 2022 and you can begin completing this survey by clicking here.

Community Wealth Fund Consultation
Hopefully, by now, you will have heard that the Community Wealth Fund is being considered by the UK Government as an option to receive hundreds of millions of pounds of dormant assets funding.

If successful, this would mean long-term, community-led investment for the people and places that need it most.

To make the Community Wealth Fund a reality, the fund’s partner need as many voices as possible to take part in the current Dormant Assets Consultation – which closes on the 9th October.

Find out more here

Ørsted’s Community Benefit Funds
The next closing dates for the Walney Extension Community Fund have now been published. Rounds will end on 6 January 2023 (decisions at the end of March 2023) and 21 June 2023 (decisions early September 2023).

Grants from £500 to £50,000 are available for projects taking place in coastal communities.

Find out more and apply.

People’s Projects
This initiative gives community organisations the chance to apply for National Lottery funding of up to £70,000, with grant winners being decided by a public vote. The People’s Projects are looking for the best and most imaginative ideas from organisations that are already doing great work in their local community.

Deadline for applications is Friday 7 October.

Find out more and apply.

Rosa Open for Applications for Campaigning and Influencing Work
Rosa are currently offering funding from the Voices from the Frontline fund to enable women and girls to use their voices to achieve change. The fund offers one-year grants of between £500 and £7,000 to support campaigning and influencing work. Women’s sector voluntary and community organisations in the UK are eligible to apply, provided they are constituted and run by, for and with women. There is a critical need for funding for women’s and girls’ organisations to deliver activism and campaigning, particularly at the grassroots, and to raise awareness of the issues they face.

Application deadline is 4pm on Thursday 3rd November 2022

Learn more about Rosa’s Voices from the Frontline fund and application

FCC Communities Action Fund for England Opens for Autumn Applications
The FCC Communities Foundation are awarding grants to community projects from funds donated by FCC Environment through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF). Through the Community Action Fund, grants of £2,000 to £100,000 are available for projects with a maximum total project cost of £500,000. The FCC Community Action Fund provides grants to not-for-profit organisations for amenity projects eligible under Object D of the Landfill Communities Fund.  For your application to be accepted, projects need to be sited within 10miles of an eligible FCC Environment waste facility.

For more on eligibility and application

Kellogg’s Support for School Breakfast Clubs
Kellogg’s, in partnership with Forever Manchester, is offering grants of up to £1,000 to schools in the UK to set up Breakfast clubs for those children in most need. A limited number of grants are available so priority will be given to schools that have either 35% and above children eligible for pupil premium funding and / or eligible for free school meals. In addition to this schools that are based in an area which is classified as falling in the 10% of most deprived areas according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation.

For breakfast club support, apply for funding today

Triangle Trust 1949 Fund Opens for Young Offender Employment Project Applications
The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund is currently accepting applications from across the UK for projects that work with young people with criminal convictions (up to the age of 25) to find meaningful and secure employment. Grants of up to £60,000 over two years are available to groups with an income of less than £1.5 million over the past three years. 

A maximum of £300,000 per year can be requested. Priority will be given to proposals that provide specialist support to target those who are particularly disadvantaged, such as young people from BAME communities, young women and girl, and young people who have been looked after.

The deadline application for this is 28 October 2022 (12pm)

Read more on the Triangle Trust 1949 Fund and how to apply

Asda Foundation Offers Cost of Living Grant to Local Groups Across the UK
The Asda Foundation have offered funding support to local community groups who are facing an increase in their running costs (rent, utilities and food costs) between September 2022 and February 2023. With the rising cost of living and its impact on the communities, the cost of living grant is open to groups to help with the situation. The new Cost of Living Grant will provide grants of between £500 and £2,000 for activities taking place before 28 February 2023. The Asda superstores each have a Community Champion whose role is to support groups and projects within the community, as well as manage Asda Foundation grant applications. 

Applications will be accepted by Asda Community Champions the week commencing 19 September 2022 until the budget cap is reached (estimated to be February 2023).

Learn more about the Asda Foundation grants and applications

Community Health Champions Fund – 2 Further Rounds for Funding
A further opportunity for funding has come around for all community groups, charities, faith and social enterprises in the district for grant funding to run health and wellbeing activities within their communities. The Community Health Champions Fund aims to help create education opportunities within the community to promote healthy behaviours, including COVID-19 vaccines and reduce health inequalities across the district. Organisations can apply for grants between £500 and £10,000 to run project and events supporting this aim.

The two additional rounds and deadlines for applications are the 30th September and 31st October 2022 by 5pm.

Please follow this link for further information and application

For further guidance on funding eligibility and applications please contact Sharon Phillips at [email protected]


Centre for Sustainable Energy DIY Survey
This document guides you through an energy audit of your community building so that you can identify the most effective options for energy efficiency improvements. It’s essentially a checklist combined with guidance notes.

You can use it as the basis for a carbon reduction plan for the building (which could include a whole range of free, low cost and higher cost measures) and / or to decide what improvements you want to install and / or to identify measures you may be able to obtain funding for.

NCVO & FSI Support for Small Charities
Following the closure of the Small Charities Coalition earlier this year, many of their services were taken over by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and the Foundation for Social Improvement.

This joint NCVO and FSI event will go into further detail about how each organisation intends to work to support small charities in making a bigger difference.

5 October, 5pm, online

Find out more and register.

HelpFilm – free or low cost films and animations for charities
HelpFilm use private sponsorship to pay professional filmmakers and editors to make films for charities with income under £3 million who would not usually able to be in the position to produce this type of content.

Optionally, charities can choose to pay 10% of the film’s total cost in order to help further production.

Find out more at

Living Wage Foundation New Rates
The Living Wage Foundation has announced their new recommended rates for the real living wage – the only wage rate independently calculated based on rising living costs.

Outside London, the Living Wage is now set at £10.90 an hour, which over 11,000 employers – including LDCVS – have committed to pay or exceed as Living Wage Employers.

Find out more about the new rates and the Living Wage movement.

Neighbourhood Watch Crime & Community Survey 2022
Responses to the survey will provide the Neighbourhood Watch charity with important feedback, helping them to better understand crime and fear of crime, and to benchmark whether membership in a Neighbourhood Watch scheme or living in a Neighbourhood Watch area impacts crime levels, neighbourliness, and the willingness of communities to work together

Find out more and respond.

Government Energy Scheme
The Energy Bill Relief Scheme is aimed at helping to protect non-domestic energy customers, including charities and public sector organisations, from rising energy costs. The scheme will cover energy use for 6 months from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023 and is in addition to the Energy Price Guarantee for households.

Organisations do not need to take action or apply to the scheme to access the support. Support (in the form of a p/kWh discount) will automatically be applied to bills and the level of price reduction for each business will vary depending on their contract type and circumstances.

The scheme will be available to everyone on a non-domestic contract subject to a small number of exclusions (for example organisations that use gas or electricity for the purpose of generating power that they are selling back to the grid, and those that agreed a fixed contract before the 1 April 2022).

Organisations on variable contracts will receive a discount, but there will be benefit, in particular, for smaller organisations who have recently moved off fixed tariffs to switch back to one.

For further information on the details of the scheme, see the accompanying guidance.

We appreciate that the above energy announcements (both for households and for organisations) are unlikely to completely meet your needs, and as wider costs continue to increase, we need to monitor what is happening and its impact. Please complete our Cost of Living Survey and if have insights or evidence on demand and costs and the impact they are having, please do share that with us so we add this to ongoing meetings.

Pro Bono Broadcast Support for Groups Supporting People with Cost of Living
An opportunity has arisen for community organisations and groups, charities or services to receive PR agency specialist help with exposure regarding support for people during the Cost of Living Crisis. Example organisations include the likes of food banks, mental health services, debt services, financial support and others.

If you are part of a small community organization that is assisting the local people with the Cost of Living Crisis and are interested in receiving free support to achieve a wider reach, contact Josh at Be Broadcast on 07500845970.

Welcome Jenny Reddell, our new Community Health Officer
We’re delighted to welcome Jenny to our team, and wanted to give her the opportunity to introduce herself:

Hello, I’ve recently started at Lancaster District CVS as the Community Health Officer.

My role is all about bringing together VCFSE, health and council services in the district to coordinate partnership development in relation to health and wellbeing.

Areas of focus are; supporting community health initiatives; managing community grant programmes and the successful implementation and growth of the North Lancashire Digital Directory of Services.

I have worked in the VCFSE sector for 15 years in Leeds and then for the last 10 years in Lancashire.

Working in a variety of roles and across many different organisations I have always been involved in the world of Social Prescribing and Health and Wellbeing.

I believe passionately in the work that is done across the voluntary sector and look forward to building new links with statutory services, demonstrating the impact that community organisations have on people’s lives.

I am excited to work alongside you all helping the sector evidence this impact, spread the word and build resources for the whole community.

North Lancashire Digital Directory of Services
A major part of my role will be the implementation of the new North Lancashire Digital Directory of Services. Soon to go live, this public directory will enable anyone in the district to find out about and directly connect with health and wellbeing services in their locality.

As well as being a brilliant tool for the general public, this directory will also be used by GP’s and other health professionals as a new referral pathway to VCFSE health and wellbeing services in the area via a hub run by me.

Where a health professional has identified that a patient requires non-clinical support, they can use a feature integrated in the electronic patient record to generate a referral which transfers the patient’s name, contact details and a reason for referral to the CVS hub. We have a list of 44 reasons for referral in the system. I will then contact the patient and work with them to signpost and support contact.

Over the next few weeks and months I will be contacting as many of you as possible to arrange to meet, find out more about the wonderful work you are doing and discuss signing up to this vital new community resource.

I have lived in Lancaster for the past 10 years but already having been in post for just over a month I am already blown away by the sheer amount of brilliant work that is going on in the district. I am looking forward to discovering more and meeting you all.

You can get in touch with Jenny by email at [email protected] or by phone on 01524 555900

Social Prescribing Unit at UCLan
The University of Central Lancashire has recently established a Social Prescribing Unit and are assessing how to respond to calls for training and CPD opportunities.

Unit staff are now seeking thoughts and feedback from people working or interested in working in this area.

Find out more and respond to the survey.

Stoptober 2022
Once again, the NHS is encouraging smokers to make it to 28 days smoke free this October – which makes it 5 times more likely they will quit for good. Daily email and online community support is available throughout the month.

Find out more and access resources

Lancashire Mind to turn Lancaster Ashton Memorial blue for World Mental Health Day
The mental health charity Lancashire Mind are set to turn the county blue on October 10th. The charity will be illuminating landmarks around the county the colour blue to highlight the importance of mental health with ourselves and with others. With mental health conditions affecting one in four people in the UK each year, days such October 10th are vital in keeping the conversations going and to remind people that you are never alone.     

Read more about being blue for Lancashire

Young People’s Social Impact Journeys Research
Working with Common Vision, Power to Change are seeking 18-35 year olds to share their thoughts on social activism, political participation, community life, and meaningful employment.

Start the survey here.

Youth Work in Statutory Settings
Through presentations, case studies and group reflections/discussions – this workshop organised by the National Youth Agency will cover the multifaceted roles and responsibilities of a youth worker, challenges and positives in engagement with social care, outcomes in terms of positive multi agency working and the value of youth work in statutory settings.

12 October, 10.30am, online

Find out more and register

Lancashire County Council Family Support Access  – Request for Feedback
Lancashire County Council is set to improve their support services in how parents and carers currently contact the council to seek support, access help and share information about their children.  This will look at the use of technology and in ensuring their service is more efficient. County Councillor Jayne Rear, cabinet member for education and skills , said:

“Improving the way we share information with parents, carers and schools will help us to achieve our vision; that children, young people and their families are safe, healthy and achieve their full potential.”  

Before this work can begin, the council are asking parents and carers for feedback on their experiences of support, services and information so that their views are central to any changes made.

Read more and Share your views

National Deaf Children’s Society Offering Grants to Support Deaf Young People
The National Deaf Children’s Society is offering grants of up to £1,000 to support young deaf people that wish to deliver projects and activities that benefit their lives. Through the Make a Change Fund young people are supported to bring to life their ideas so that they can make a positive change for themselves and other deaf young people. Creative projects involving art, drama, music, film and other similar projects that connect their ideas with school projects or youth group activities will also be considered.

Learn more about criteria and application

Adapting Together: How can we all play a part in climate action?
Climate change affects everyone but not everyone is able to take effective action against the climate crisis. With systemic change slow, and the public encouraged to shoulder individual responsibility, the majority are faced with an unrealistic burden. How can design create accessible opportunities to engage with the climate crisis? How can design work for the benefit of both our community and climate? 

This symposium explores pathways to equitable climate action through design-led research, community and environmental projects, across four themes of repair, adapt, collaborate and transition.

Taking eight case studies from Lancashire, London, Brixton, Birmingham and Bristol – spanning e-waste and repair, community housing and collective action – and inviting responses to those case studies, we ask how we might respond equitably to the climate crisis.

The symposium is a collaboration between ImaginationLancaster – Lancaster University’s design-led research lab and Future Observatory – a national programme for design research supporting the UK’s response to the climate crisis at the Design Museum

22 November, Lancaster House Hotel, free of charge.

Find out more and register

Developing Your Staff – Online Course
This one-day conference explores how you can create a learning and development culture within your organisation. The conference is for anyone working with teams or supporting staff members in management & leadership, volunteer management and HR. It takes a closer look into the best ways of ensuring your organisation retains and develops staff.

This event is being held on Wednesday 26th October 2022.

For more information on the programme, speakers and reserving a place

Community Conversation: The Cost of Living – Virtual Meeting by Lancaster City Council
Lancaster City Council and partners in the health and voluntary/community  sectors are hosting a series of Community Conversations titled ‘Our Wellbeing District’.  This online session aims to find the most effective ways of working together to support the community through the cost of living crisis.  Feedback from local residents is crucial in this process of shaping how we work together in supporting those who may be struggling the most.

The virtual meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th September at 6.30-8pm  

Find out more and register your place in the conversation

Community Conversation: Community Wealth Building – Online event by Lancaster City Council
In it’s series of community conversations, this online discussion will be all about raising awareness of Community Wealth-Building: an approach for local places to build a sustainable local economy that benefits people and organisations. LCC is committed to pursuing a Community Wealth-Building approach in achieving its ‘Plan 2030’priorities (Corporate plan – Lancaster City Council) for the local environment, economy and communities. There may also be consideration for the insights from the Community Conversation on Social Value.  Your participation will influence Lancaster City Council and partners to develop and deliver a Community Wealth Building programme that represents the region.

Register for this event here

Boom and Grow Business Growth Programme for Women – The Growing Club
The Growing Club are set to launch a business growth programme for women running micro-business.  The funded 12 month course ‘Boom and Grow’ is tailored to those running a small business, social enterprise or charity in the local area. The course aims to provide support for the year providing facilitated business skills workshops, a buddy system and peer network structure. It will run on the 1st Monday of each month.

The course starts on Monday, 3rd October 2022, 6.30pm to 8.30pm in Lancaster

Find out more and Sign up

FoodFutures Skill Shares, Community Sessions & Training

Skill share: Facilitation tips and tricks
This FoodFutures online session will be exploring approaches to facilitating online and in person meetings for small and large groups.  They will also be taking a look at the world café model. All are welcome to join online and will welcome Abbie from People Support Coop as a trainer.

For more and how to join

FoodFutures – Citizen Journalism Training
FoodFutures are seeking 10 want-to-be citizen journalists! Citizen journalism is based upon members of the public “playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analysing and disseminating news and information”. This year of training, mentoring and support is open to 10 people in the Lancaster District.

Learn more and register your interest

Read Easy  Morecambe Bay Information Evening
Read Easy are holding a Public Information Evening to share our plan and seek volunteers to help promote their services. Read Easy are setting up a group to offer free, one-to-one, and confidential reading sessions to adults across the Morecambe Bay area including Lancaster.  The evening event is to held on zoom at 7pm on 22 Sept (tonight).

To join the Zoom event, click on the link below using the Meeting ID provided.

Topic: Read Easy Morecambe Bay area Information Evening
Time: Sep 22, 2022 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 7298 7259

If you are interested in further details on this event please contact [email protected]

Light Up Lancaster Lantern Making Workshops – FREE Opportunity
The creative team at Light Up Lancaster are looking for people to join in the fun with help making lanterns and/or carrying the swooping lantern birds on the 2 live nights of this ambitious, creative community project. The performances will take place on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th November 2022.  If you would like to know more about this exciting opportunity, contact [email protected] for more.

More information on Light Up Lancaster 

Prison Facilitator (HMP Lancaster Farms) at Shannon Trust
Working closely with prisons, volunteers and mentors, this post will lead the delivery and development of a prison-based programme, maximising opportunities for people in prison to learn to read, as well as improve their maths.

Salary: £15,450 per annum

Contract: 21 hours per week, permanent

Location: Lancaster

Closing date: 17 October

Find out more and apply

Events Coordinator at Barrie Wells Trust
The Trust are looking to recruit an outstanding Events Coordinator with excellent interpersonal, communication and organisational skills. The successful candidate will help to deliver Box4Kids project targets, facilitating VIP experiences for seriously ill and disabled children at major sport and entertainment venues, and organise events.

Salary: £20,000 – £24,000 per annum depending on experience

Contract: 37.5 hours per week

Location: Lancaster

Closing date: 10 October

Find out more and apply

Wellbeing Practitioner at the Birchall Trust
Providing practical support, advice, and guidance you will support a client’s recovery and enable them to develop self-help strategies to manage the impact of their abuse. This may include support around housing, benefits, court procedures as well as psycho-educational support such as mindfulness, grounding, stabilization, and relaxation to help reduce the symptoms of trauma.

Salary: £22,000 – £24,000 per annum (pro rata) depending on experience

Contract: Part time, 22.5 hours per week

Location: Morecambe/Kendal

Find out more and apply.

Training Coordinator at Lancashire Mind
Do you want to join a team who are passionate about improving mental health and wellbeing for the people of Lancashire?

Lancashire Mind are looking for a bold and caring individuals to join their Training and Workplace Wellbeing Team, who have experience of delivering training to a range of audiences both in person and remotely. Whilst advertising the post as full-time there will be open discussion around working hours.

The organisation are wanting someone who is hardworking, creative, and able to work on their own initiative to deliver their mental health training courses. Delivery is done both online from home, as well as face-to-face in different settings across Lancashire. You will work closely with colleagues to plan, write and deliver training courses, as well as supporting the wider work of the team.

Salary: £24,423 per annum

Contract: Full-time (35 hours per week), 12 months initially with potential to extension

Location: A mix of home and office working, with the majority of online delivery being done from home, and travel to venues around Lancashire for face-to-face delivery and team meetings

Closing date: 5th October 2022, 9am

For more information and how to apply 

Lancashire County Council Children & Family Wellbeing Service – Various Roles
Lancashire County Council are currently recruiting multiple roles for the Children and Family Wellbeing Service. If you are a people person, have the right values and skills to work with children, young people and families, then there may be a role suitable for you. The varied roles advertised are for multiple locations around the county, for full and part time opportunities, great flexible working policies and competitive salaries, pension and annual leave entitlement. 

Roles being recruited include:

Family Support Worker – £22,129 – £25,927 (Hourly rate up to £13.44)
Delivery Support Worker – £19,264-£20,043 (Hourly rate up to £10.39)
Neighbourhood Group Worker – £19,922 – £22,104 (Hourly rate up to £10.39
Assistant Youth Worker – £19,922 – £22,104 (Hourly rate up to £11.48)

For further details on these roles follow this link

Assistant for Escape2Make
Are you interested in youth work, social work or want to help with creative workshops?  E2M are recruiting for an Assistant to help with their Film Club and Press Club on Thursday evenings. The sessions run every week at The Storey in Lancaster and are free for all 11s-18s. They require a commitment to attend these weekly Thursday sessions from 4:30-7:15pm to aid their facilitators in delivering the sessions. This is a paid position position and a great way to start getting involved with this growing organisation.

Recruitment leaflet here

BAME Outreach Support Worker – Preston Domestic Violence Services
Preston Domestic Violence Services are seeking a BAME Outreach Support Worker to join their team.  The start date for this job is for as soon as conveniently possible.

Salary: £15,834 per annum (£23,434 pro-rata)

Contract: Permanent

Location: Combination of office (Harbour House, Port Way) and in the community

Closing date: 31st October 2022, 9am

*Please note: This job is open to women only

Find out more and apply

Dementia Advisor with Alzheimer’s Society
The Alzheimer’s Society are seeking an approachable, enthusiastic and knowledgeable community-based Dementia Advisor to join our supportive and compassionate team, focusing on supporting people affected by dementia across Central Lancashire.  This is a community-based role with some homeworking elements.  

The Alzheimer’s Society are a vital source of support and a powerful force for change for everyone affected by dementia.

Salary: £20,875 – £22,143 per annum (Pro rata)

Contract: Contract, Part-time

Location: Blackpool, Lancashire

Closing date: 07 October 2022, 11pm

Find out more and apply

Business Development Manager with the Preston Domestic Violence Services
*This post is open to women only*

The Preston Domestic Violence Services are seeking a Business Development Manager to join their team in Preston, Lancashire. The main purpose of the job is to maintain the sustainability of PDVS by obtaining income to support and develop current services and provide new ones. Preston Domestic Violence Services is a grassroots charity providing a range of community support services to people experiencing domestic abuse. The successful candidate will be required to be pro-active, self-motivated and with the experience necessary to fulfil the key objectives.

Salary: £21,588 per annum (£38,037 pro rata)

Contract: 21 hours per week

Location: Community Gateway Offices, Harbour House, Portway, Preston, PR2 2DW

Closing date: 5th October 2022

Find out more and apply

Several Roles at Trust House Lancashire
Trust House Lancashire work to support people affected by sexual violence or abuse, and with community groups to prevent and increase awareness of these crimes.

There are currently several vacancies in the organisation, with closing dates in September:

  • Senior Children & Young People’s Therapist
  • Children & Young People’s Therapist
  • Sessional Therapist with Language Skills
  • Children’s Sessional Play Therapist

Find out more and apply.

If your organisation needs support whether it be working with volunteers, completing accounts and payroll, finding funding, solving governance issues, or just want a listening ear, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team:

Funding and governance support, contact [email protected]

Volunteering and upskilling your workforce, contact [email protected]

Payroll, bookkeeping and independent examinations, contact [email protected]

Health and social prescribing, contact [email protected]

Children and young people, contact [email protected]

Membership queries to: [email protected]

Partnerships, networks and strategic development, contact [email protected]

Alternatively, call us on 01524 555900

To promote your events, training, jobs, and sector news, email [email protected]