Community growing projects: not just about getting your hands dirty!

One of the more popular volunteering activities is outdoor work, working with nature and the environment. You might broadly describe much of what falls under these categories as gardening, but gardening as with many other roles conjures a certain expectation, and unless you already think of yourself as a gardener you’re probably not going to consider an outdoor role.

Paths around the trail before work began

Claver Hill Community Growing Project is one such ‘gardening’ opportunity, but what is it, exactly? There is so much more than getting your hands dirty in the soil.

Claver Hill warmly invites you all to the opening celebration of their Accessible Nature Trail at Claver Hill Community Growing Project, Ridge Lane, LA1 3JY on Saturday July 27th, 1pm until 4pm. But how did they get here?

First there was a consultation, finding out who might use such a path; will they help design it, and is it feasible? Next, they needed people to write funding bids, including getting quotes from contractors. Once they had a design, the promise of a grant, and a contractor lined up, the area needed to be prepared. While the contractors are on site, someone needed to be there for support.

Once the path had been created, benches, raised beds, and signs to mark the points of interest were all needed. Someone needed to make the signs, someone needed to write clear information on them in an interesting fashion.

The new paths – much better!

The Grand Opening needed organising. Posters to hang, flyers to hand out, social media to share. Checking that Health and Safety is all in order. Is there a first aider? Cake baking, hanging the bunting, yarn bombing, gazeboes up, stalls made ready. Don’t forget to plan ahead, they needed to make the jams and chutneys that Claver Hill is famous for.

And then summer arrives. Now they really do need gardeners. They want the site to look great on the Open Day so time to get the weeds under control. Composting them too.

On the day itself? Stewards to guide visitors to various activities, people to serve the refreshments, sell the preserves, lead the entertainment, so much to do. So, if you think gardening is not in your skill mix, remember that there is so much more to the project. And the same is often true for so many other things!

Parking for the open day is available at Central High School on Ridge Lane.