Business Plan 2022-25

The LDCVS Business Plan describes what we will do to fulfil our mission to support, connect and champion the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector in the Lancaster district. It sets out our areas of work, our priorities for the next three years (2022-2025) and provides an overview of our planned activity. 
The document explains how we will continue to support the sector and our communities, whilst strengthening the ways we work with our partners. Flowing from this are detailed actions and a theory of change which will ensure we are making the biggest possible impact.
Lancaster District CVS is proud of our 50-year history of making a difference. We have a highly skilled, motivated team and board of trustees but we know we cannot and will not be able to achieve our plans alone. We very much look forward to continuing our working relationship with our members, partners and funders, collaborating to achieve our ambitions for the Lancaster district.