LDCVS Social Prescribing Link Worker Referral

Eligibility & Procedure

Potential clients of the LDCVS Hub must be:

  • At least sixteen years of age
  • Able and willing to engage in a conversation about their health and wellbeing
  • Able and willing to meet in a public place or take part in an appointment over the phone or online
  • Not at a point of crisis, and not a risk to themselves or others
  • Able to give their consent to be referred and able to understand what a referral to the LDCVS Hub means

Our flowchart (view here) describes the full social prescribing process from initial referral to discharge from our service.

We encourage anyone making referrals to contact our Link Worker at any point in this process if they have questions. We may also need to get in touch with you for further information.

Email [email protected] or call 01524 555900

Referral Form

    About the person being referred
    First name

    Surname / family name

    Preferred name

    Gender (if known)

    Date of birth

    Email address

    Telephone number

    Preferred contact method

    Address, including town and postcode

    If under 18, name and contact details for parent / carer / guardian

    Which GP surgery is this person registered with?

    Reason for referral (select one)


    Use this space to tell us about any other risks

    Access needs

    Use this space to tell us about any other access needs

    Tell us about any relevant medical information

    Tell us about any other relevant information

    Important: the information you are dealing with may include personal data about a client, meaning data which may be used to identify the client. Does the client understand how their data may be used and have you obtained their consent?

    Our infographic explaining who will see your client's data, and our Privacy Policy Relating to Social Prescription Referrals set out how we use and look after data.

    About the person making this referral

    Job title and organisation / team

    Contact details (email/phone)